If you get to your annual performance review and the word is "There's no salary increase" you're likely to be discouraged and/or angry. If you're going to stay at your job in 2017 and the salary is not exciting, you can choose several of these low-cash or no-cash alternatives. Choose the items on our list that appeal to you most!
Sometimes your manager can't give you a salary increase but can set up a bonus program associated with the performance of your job in general or a specific project you're working on. If cash is your number one priority, ask your manager whether you can sweeten your paycheck via a performance bonus by hitting agreed-upon milestones. Department managers often prefer to pay bonuses over salary increases because a bonus doesn't figure into your base salary.
Want more professional training? Most people do. Swap your raise this year for some professional development dollars. Don't ask for a dollar amount -- rather, ask your manager to pay for a particular course or certification that you're interested in. Show the course marketing materials to your manager and know the price tag in advance. Be ready to talk about how you can help your employer with your new-fangled skills.
If you travel a lot for work, get your employer to spring for your membership dues in your favorite airline's premier membership club. You can get a lot more work done in an airport clubhouse than you can sitting on the floor of the airport with your belongings strewn around you.
If you haven't belonged to a professional association before, maybe it is a good time to dive in! Decide which professional association would benefit you the most learning-wise and contacts-wise and pitch your boss on paying your annual dues.
Now is a great time to ask for much-needed vacation time to compensate you for your effort and results when your paycheck isn't increasing.
When your manager says "I have a big project for you" or "I'm relying on you to get this done," think about where and when you work best. If you do your best work in your pajamas and in your home office, make a deal: I'll guarantee a great result on your favorite project if I can work from home on Fridays or come in at ten a.m. instead of nine to avoid rush hour traffic. If you don't ask, you'll never get what you want.
A high-impact and high-profile assignment is probably worth more to your resume and your career overall than your annual raise is. Ask your boss for a particular high-priority assignment you're interested in.
If you're languishing in the professional-development salt mines, ask your boss to put you in touch with professional mentors as a substitute for the raise you didn't get. Your boss is probably not a great mentor for you because of your boss-subordinate relationship.
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