AGE 40: Sergey Brin
Co-founder and director of special projects at Google
at makes him powerful: Larry Page's "other half" is responsible for trying to decide which ideas Google will pursue. He oversees Google X's "moon shots," the hush-hush long-term projects that try to tackle big problems — think Google Glass, driverless cars, smart contacts for diabetics, and flying windturbines that generate power.
AGE 41: Larry Page
CEO and co-founder of Google
What makes him powerful: When Page took over as Google's CEO, he wanted to reinvigorate the company's vision. Today, the company continues to dominate search, makes a ton of money with ads, and is leading a number of other innovative projects, including Google Glass. In the last year or so Google generated nearly $18 billion in profits.
AGE 42: Elon Musk
CEO of Tesla and Space X
What makes him powerful: Arguably the greatest inventor alive, Elon Musk steered three revolutionary companies to monstrous success, while his own fortune more than tripled in the last year. Tesla's on a fast and furious quest to disrupt the auto industry, with plans underway to build a massive Gigafactory. SpaceX launched the first commercial satellite into orbit and is under agreement with NASA to resupply the International Space Station.
AGE 43: Ted Cruz
U.S. Senator
What makes him powerful: In a short time Ted Cruz went from being the GOP's ultimate conservative purist to one of the most despised men in the U.S. Senate, provoking the federal government shutdown last year. He staged a 21-hour faux filibuster to defund Obamacare. He failed then, but recently had his bill to bar Iran's U.N. envoy from entering the U.S. pass in the Senate, a tidy win for the Texas freshman minority senator.
AGE 44: Paul Ryan
U.S. Congressman
What makes him powerful: The 2017 Republican vice presidential nominee has become a powerful member of Congress. Currently chair of the House Budget Committee, he recently unveiled the House Republican budget, which would cut government spending by $1.5 trillion over the next 10 years and repeal the Affordable Care Act.
AGE 45: Robin Li
CEO of Baidu
What makes him powerful: Money is power, and Robin Li has a lot of both. With an estimated net worth of $12.1 billion, he's one of the richest people in tech. And as the CEO of China's top search engine, Li's like the Larry Page of Asia. According to Bloomberg, Li said in October that his company would invest even more aggressively in mobile search; installments of its search app rose to 330 million users.
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