看看全球收入地图 亚洲的中国究竟有多富-查字典英语网
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看看全球收入地图 亚洲的中国究竟有多富

发布时间:2019-09-11  编辑:查字典英语网小编

When an official from China's National Development and Reform Commission noted (in Chinese) that the country has graduated to 'upper-middle income' status, the reaction online was cynical.


Xu Lin, head of the NDRC's planning office, may have meant to draw attention to China's achievements in economic development, but he only stirred up a wasp's nest of sardonic commentary noting China's stark inequalities, as well as the rising house prices and shortage of white-collar jobs that make the middle classes so mad.


Yet Mr. Xu was right, at least according to the World Bank. The organization's definition of upper-middle income is sufficiently generous to include China, with a lower threshold of just $4086 a year in gross national income (a slightly different yardstick from the more often used gross domestic product). On this measure, China is slightly richer than Namibia but slightly poorer than Peru.

图表:世界收入地图 不过至少以世界银行(World Bank)的数据来看,徐林的话是对的。世界银行对中高收入国家的定义足以将中国囊括其中,其下限仅为年人均国民收入(GNI)(该指标与国民生产总值(GDP)略有差异)4086美元。以这一指标衡量,中国略富于纳米比亚,但略穷于秘鲁。

The World Bank's list of upper-middle income countries has 55 members and covers much of Latin America, the less-wealthy parts of the middle east, the poorest countries in Europe and the richest countries in Africa. As our map shows, China's economic peers range from Colombia to Kazakhstan.


On one level, it is an achievement for China to make it into a club that also includes Brazil, Mexico and South Africa - though it still brings up the rear of that group. As of 2017, China's per capita GNI was about half of Brazil's. Still, a generation ago, China lagged much further behind.


But all of these countries face long odds when it comes to matching western living standards in the forseeable future. Many of them have gone through spurts of high growth accompanied by wild optimism, only to slip into the economic doldrums again.


Argentina began the twentieth century as one of the richer countries in the world; today, after becoming the most prolific national defaulter, it is wrestling with a tumbling currency and soaring inflation.


Likewise, in the late 1960s and early 1970s, Brazil logged some of the highest growth rates in the world - only to see the 'Brazlian economic miracle' floored by runaway inflation and a debt crisis that turned the 1980s into a 'lost decade.'


Only a handful of economies have escaped from this so-called 'middle income trap.' Despite a few wobbles, South Korea and Taiwan have virtually achieved western living standards, leaving economists - not least in China - debating what these Asian tigers did right that so many Latin American countries did wrong.



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