Scientists have developed 3D super-smooth 'jellified' foods made to look like the regular meals we eat every day.
From broccoli to roast lamb, the printed food certainly looks very similar but the texture might be a surprise to some.
Funded by the EU, the Performance project is intended to give elderly people better access to appealing and nutritious food.
Known as ‘Smoothfood’, it is a concept for cultivated eating in old age or for people with swallowing difficulties or other illnesses which make normal eating impossible.
Smoothfood uses raw, steamed, fresh or frozen foods which are chopped, mixed, pureed or whipped into a foam texture and then shaped so that people with chewing or swallowing difficulties can enjoy their meals.
The look and taste of the end product matches the original food item, but the texture is soft and gel-like. It dissolves easily in the mouth so that it is safe to eat for people with mastication [chewing] or swallowing problems.
Once the meals have been printed, they are frozen and stored to be later heated up in a conventional microwave.
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