It's official: even though they are involved in the worst East-West clash since the Cold War, Barack Obama would save Vladimir Putin from drowning.
Obama on Friday delivered his answer to a question posed to Putin during a live television appearance earlier this month -- would his US rival come to his rescue?
本月早些时候,普京总统在参加一次电视直播活动的时候遭遇这样的提问:“如果你掉到水里,奥巴马会救你吗?” 本周五,奥巴马总统也给出了自己的回应。
Putin answered by saying that though he did not have a special personal relationship with Obama he thought the US leader was "a decent and brave person." "And of course, he would."
普京总统当时的回答是,自己虽然和奥巴马没有非常密切的私人关系,但奥巴马是个“勇敢的正派人” ,所以“当然会救我”。
In a rare moment of humour at an alarming moment of the Ukraine crisis, Obama confirmed he would indeed throw the Russian leader a lifeline, when questioned by a US journalist.
"I absolutely would save Mr Putin if he were drowning," Obama said. "If anybody is out there drowning, I would save them. "
“如果普京溺水,我绝对会救他,” 奥巴马说,“任何人溺水我都会施救。”
"I used to be a pretty good swimmer, I grew up in Hawaii," Obama said, before adding with a rueful smile: "I am a little bit out of practice."
“我从前是个游泳好手,我在夏威夷长大,” 奥巴马这样回答道,但他又带着略抱憾的微笑补充说:“不过我有点疏于练习了。”
Even before the Ukraine showdown, Putin and Obama had a difficult relationship and had endured several photo-ops after summits noted for stilted body language.
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