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发布时间:2019-09-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The fashionable purebred Juliana pig checks in regularly with outfit updates and now has over 43,000 internet fans on Instagram which is full of stylish shots of fashionable females, but this pretty little piggy looks set to steal their style crowns.


Penelope Popcorn, as she is known to her family and fans, has a huge selection of colourful headbands, jackets and ribbons which she shows off on her Instagram account.


The one-year-old pig lives with a mother and her two children in California, USA.


Her account is run by the teenage boy and girl but her messages are written as if they had come straight from the pig's snout.


Penelope loves to get dressed up and even has her nails painted by her family – in one pictures she says: "I'm considering auditioning as a show girl, maybe that's why I was born with permanent stilettos for feet!".

佩尼罗普喜欢装扮,她的家人甚至给她趾甲涂上颜色。一张照片中小猪这样“说道” :“我在考虑参加展场女郎的试镜,或许这才不会辜负我天生自带的细高跟鞋”。

Her owner said: "She has been dressed up and had her nails painted since she was a baby, so she doesn't mind wearing outfits and posing for pictures - she is very patient.


"She actually enjoys the photo shoots, since she gets treats - she likes the headbands with flowers and bows the most, as they aren't restrictive, but she also likes a warm, cosy sweater when it's cold outside.“


"My teenage son and daughter came up with the idea to make an Instagram account during Christmas break - it was their project, and thought it might be kind of fun to show other people how cute she was with her routines and outfits and sweet personality.”


"We never thought she would have such a tremendous following - 43,000 people from all over the world love our sweet little piggy."



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