Leave time behind you-查字典英语网
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Leave time behind you

发布时间:2013-01-29  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The old monk often took the young monk to the hill outside the temple torecite(背诵,叙述)thelection(经文).

One day the young monk said to the old monk,"How slowly the time goes!"

The old monk said,"You can have a try like this---in the morning sit to the west to read; and in the afternoon sit to the east to read."

At the master's advice, the young monk recited the lection against the sun. By and by heneglected(忽视,疏忽)the passage of time.

The next day he told the old monk ,"Master, you're somasterly(巧妙的,精巧的)that I forget time with a switch of direction and absorb myself in the lection."

The old monk said,"Whatever you do, only you leave time behind you can you focus on itselflessly(无私地,忘我地)."


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