Robocoin's bitcoin ATMs are hitting the United States later this month, Reuters reported Tuesday.
Robocoin is installing these automated teller machines in Seattle and Austin, Texas. The kiosks will let users buy and sell the digital currency, while using scanners to read government-issued identification, like a driver's license or a passport. People will be able to sell bitcoin for cash, buy more bitcoin, or transfer funds through a digital wallet.
Bitcoin is a type of currency introduced in 2009, but it's only recently gained mainstream attention. As its use grows, more companies have found ways to build onthe popularity of the digital system, but it's also drawn the scrutiny of regulators.
These new ATMs are not Robocoin's only machines. The Las Vegas company installed its first ATM in Vancouverlast fall. The company also has plans to roll out ATMs in other US cities, and in Asia and Europe.
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