What more creative way to take advantage of the coldest temperatures in decades than to conduct some homemade science experiments - including wondering at the marvel of being able to turn boiling hot water into snow.
Unfortunately for the less scientifically minded, the experiment has become something of a health hazard if conducted in temperatures that are not quite cold enough.
If the pot of hot water is tossed when the temperature is too high, then instead of a magical snow shower boiling water rains down on those involved.
Numerous people have posted pictures and comments on social media of painful injuries after their experiment has gone horribly wrong.
Kailyn Nicole tweeted: 'I tried to throw boiling water in the air and it back fired..all the water spilled on me and now my leg is burned. Oops....'
Hallie Benjamin added: 'So I tried to do the whole throw boiling water outside and it flew back and burned my arm so happy snow day to all.'
One person who got it right was meteorologist Eric Holthaus. He conducted his experiment on January 6 in Viroqua, Wisconsin where the temperature was a chilly -21F with a wind chill of -51F.
He threw his pan of hot water high into the air, being careful to make sure it blew away from him, before it turned into a beautiful, crystal cloud.
Boiling water turns into snow because freezing cold air holds less vapor than warmer air.
When the hot water is thrown into the cold air, the air gets more water vapor than it can hold, Mark Seeley, a climatologist at the University of Minnesota told LiveScience.气候学家马克·西利告诉《生活科学》记者,当开水被泼到冷空气中时,空气中所含水蒸气就会过量。
The water vapor clings to particles, crystallizing into a snow cloud.
Mr Seeley warned not to attempt this unless the temperature had dropped to -30F or below.
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