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发布时间:2019-09-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

New research from child advocacy group Common Sense Media has found that children's use of tablets, smartphones and other portable gadgets with screens has exploded over the last two years, just as doctors warn too much screen time could be bad for kids.

儿童倡导组织Common Sense Media的最新调查发现,尽管医生警告太久盯着屏幕可能对儿童不利,儿童对平板电脑、智能手机等带屏便携设备的使用率在过去两年仍呈现爆炸式增长。

The group's biannual survey of American parents found an 89% increase in the number of zero to eight year olds who have used mobile devices - growing from 38% in 2011 to 72% in 2013. Even among kids under the age of two, some 38% have used a mobile device for media, compared to 10% two years ago.


Moreover, the amount of time all kids spend with the devices each day has tripled, from 5 minutes to 15 minutes.


At the same time, the American Academy of Pediatrics on Monday reiterated cautions about children's exposure to screens, including mobile devices and TVs. The group said that parents should limit 'total entertainment screen time to less than one to two hours per day, and 'discourage screen media exposure' generally to kids under the age of two.

与此同时,美国儿科学会(American Academy of Pediatrics)周一再次对儿童使用移动设备和电视机等带屏设备发出警告。该学会称,父母应该将每天孩子的屏幕娱乐时间限制在1-2个小时以下,并建议不要让两岁以下儿童接触带屏媒体。

(The Journal reported on the AAP's Monday proposals for families, including a no-device rule during meals and after bedtime.)

(据《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)报道,美国儿科学会周一向父母们提出建议,包括不许孩子在吃饭和上床睡觉后使用移动设备。)

The introduction of tablet computers has particularly changed the equation for many families, and the survey found five-fold increase in the number who have access to them. Jim Steyer, Common Sense Media's founder, said the devices are increasingly replacing TVs, storybooks, and even babysitters.

平板电脑的出现已经改变了许多家庭的育儿方式,调查显示,能够接触到平板电脑的儿童数量已经增长了四倍。Common Sense Media创始人吉姆・施泰尔(Jim Steyer)说,此类设备的出现已开始愈加取代电视、故事书甚至保姆的工作。

'One-year-olds are now walking up to TV screens and swiping them because they think they are tablets,' he said. 'They are becoming a part of childhood in ways that were almost inconceivable before.'


What do kids do on mobile devices? Mostly play games (63% of them), use apps (50%) and watch videos (47%), the survey found.


Steyer says his organization recommends that parents set limits, though he appreciates that no screen time before age two isn't practical for all families. 'No question about it, the best brain development happens when you speak with kids and play blocks with them and cuddle - all the experiences where there is no intermediation by technology' he said.


And when there are devices involved, he said parents should also try to turn screen time into learning time. 'You have to make wise choices about the content,' he said.



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