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发布时间:2019-09-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

在过去的20年里一名有着4个孩子的母亲Tracy Kenny因为穿鞋过敏一直没有工作。而这20年里她一直领取着政府的残疾人生活津贴,总额累积达10万磅。不过最近该女子被告知她的津贴将被砍掉了,因为政府认为她适合工作了。

A mother-of-four claimed £100,000 in benefits saying she was unable to work because she is allergic to shoes.

Tracy Kenny, 45, a former baker, says she had to give up working 24 years ago after developing a skin condition that made it impossible for her to wear shoes.

She said severe dermatitis caused by all her footwear left her unable to hold down a job. But now inspectors at the Department for Work and Pensions have ruled she is fit for work and told her it will stop her £440 per month employment support benefits.

Mrs Kenny, who lost her appeal against the decision, said it was impossible for her to work as she suffers from an allergy to rubber, glue, nickel and metal that brings her out in blisters.

She says she is so allergic to shoes she has to wander around barefoot, even during winter, and can only leave her house in Eccles, Salford, on a mobility scooter.

She said: ‘I don’t know how these people expect me to go to work or go to job interviews with no shoes on – because that is what I would have to do.

‘I can only wear shoes for ten or 15 minutes, before my feet blister and split. It stops me from doing everything. ‘I’m allergic to any chemicals in shoes. The doctors even organised for a pair of clogs to be made in Switzerland for me.

‘It took two years. They even cut down a tree especially and made me a shoe with no dyes in. Yet they still irritate me.

‘Socks draw the glue in and slippers don’t help. It’s so unfair and stressful – I’m genuinely ill.’

Her life on benefits ended after she took a medical test and faced a tribunal from the DWP on October 2.

Now she has been declared fit to work, though she will still be allowed to claim £200 a month in disability living allowance.

She said: ‘They’re questioning my doctor’s ability as a doctor. She sees me and knows me more than a ten-minute assessment does.’

Mrs Kenny, who lives with scaffolder husband Steve, 49, and also has diabetes, said: ‘It started when I contracted dermatitis when I was 18 or 19.

'I was working at a baker’s and suddenly my hands started coming up blistering.

‘I was referred to the skin hospital where I was told it was the detergents I was using in the baker’s. I carried on working but it got worse and started to affect my face.’

She gave up the job and began working in a shop but found she was allergic to dust. She then changed jobs again and worked in a warehouse packing leaflets in magazines but found that played havoc with her allergies as well.

Mrs Kenny said: ‘I worked up until I was 21. Since then I haven’t worked basically because things just got worse and worse.

‘I had some more tests done. I’m allergic to nickel, I’m told not to touch keys, not to touch coins, not to use knives and forks.’

She says her contact dermatitis causes a type of eczema leaving her skin red, itchy and scaly. She shares her home with her husband and their children Jessica, 21, Aimee-lea, 19, and Lauren, 18.

Son Josh, 22, was arriving back from Army duty in Afghanistan yesterday. They also have a dog Alfie and cat Bailey.

A spokesman for the DWP said decisions to remove benefits are only taken after careful assessment and consideration of medical evidence.

Margaret Cox, of the National Eczema Society, said: ‘People don’t understand just how awfully painful a severe eczema can be.’


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