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发布时间:2019-09-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

After another weeklong Chinese holiday filled with tales of chaos, the government seems to be rethinking its scheduling strategy.


China's holiday system is notoriously complicated, with most of the country's workers required to make up for long public holidays--the National Day 'Golden Week' in October and Chinese New Year in late winter--by working prior or following weekends. Thanks to this year's schedule, most people are in the office today.


The original idea behind the long holidays was to spur consumer spending. But with disposable incomes on the rise, tourist destinations are getting overwhelmed and traffic bottlenecked for miles. According to the state-run Xinhua news agency, Chinese tourists made 428 million trips last week during Golden Week.


Jiuzhaigou, a site in the western mountains of Sichuan province famous for its crystal-clear waters, was overwhelmed when 40,000 visitors showed up one day--more than its buses could cope with, leaving some visitors stranded waiting for a shuttle out of the park for hours. Tourists backed up traffic for more than two kilometers in Pinganzhuang in Shandong province to drive past Nobel Prize-winning author Mo Yan's home, and West Lake in east China's Hangzhou saw more than a million tourists on Oct. 2--a day when volunteers gathered more than 7,000 cigarette butts from a road along the lake.

Associated Press国庆假期,天安门城楼前挤满了游客。在以水闻名的四川知名景区九寨沟,一天之内接待了4万名游客,巴士运力不足,结果造成部分游客无法搭上接送车辆,滞留时间长达数小时。在山东平安庄,因为大量游客开车前往诺贝尔文学奖得主莫言的家乡,拥堵的汽车排成了两公里的长队。在杭州西湖,10月2日一天的游客就超过了100万,当天志愿者在西湖边的一条路上拣了7,000多个烟头。

Beijing has generally seemed deaf to complaints about the convoluted calendar, but in a sign they might be willing to re-evaluate things, authorities set up a poll Thursday on three major news portals--Sina, Sohu and Tencent--asking users to vote on current holiday arrangements.


By mid-day Friday, more than 400,000 users had voted on Sina, with 82% expressing dissatisfaction with current public holiday arrangements, and 56% saying the requirement to work weekends before or after in order to get longer holidays should be scrapped. On Sohu, where more than 250,000 users had voted, 76% said they were dissatisfied with the current system.


Online polls aren't scientific, but comments on China's Twitter-like microblog Sina Weibo reinforce a picture of widespread humbug.


Some Weibo users blamed the condensing of the May Day holiday, which was shortened from seven days in the past to a current three days, for the overcrowding.


'I strongly support resuming the long holiday in May,' one user wrote, with another proclaiming 'Give me back my May Holiday!'


Others simply complained about the irregularity of the holiday arrangements. 'This kind of 'vacation' is killing people!' one user wrote.


'I would rather have only one day off, instead of working for seven days in a row,' another said.


Even the official Xinhua news agency piled on, running a commentary in the middle of the National Day holiday headlined 'Golden Week, or golden mess?'

就连新华社也跟进了,在10月3日发表了一篇社论,题为“国庆长假:黄金周还是黄金粥?”(National Day holiday: Golden Week, or golden mess?)。

China's cabinet has said it expects a system of paid leave, which would help alleviate the holiday crunch, to be fully in place by 2020. But Xinhua argued that such a system would disproportionately benefit workers in government organizations and state-owned enterprises, since factory workers or employees of private companies could simply have their vacation requests denied.


Readers: What do you think about China's holiday system? Voice your opinion in the poll.



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