Facebook has often been regarded as one of the best places to work in the tech industry. After all, their interns make $25, 000 more than the average citizen.
And famously, employees on Glassdoor voted Facebook the No.1 best company to work for overall.
Not bad, right?
Wrong, according to some Facebook employees, both past and present. Various engineers, software developers, and anonymous sources from Facebook's front lines divulge the details about the worst things about working for the social network.
1. "For six weeks out of the year, I'm on 24/7 on-call duty."
1. “一年有六个星期,我必须全天候随叫随到。”
During on-call duty, engineers are responsible for keeping the service up and running, come what may. "For those weeks I don't leave town on the weekend; make especially sure not to have 'one too many' at any social gatherings I attend; and most importantly, carry and immediately respond to a charged phone where I can be reached 24/7, including leaving the ringer on on the nightstand as I sleep." - Keith Adams, Facebook engineer.
2. "The wall does not exist at Facebook."
2. “Facebook没有‘隔墙’。”
"At most companies, you put up a wall between a work personality and a personal one, which ends up with a professional workspace, " says a Facebook engineer who chose to remain anonymous on Quora. Because the culture of Facebook implicitly encourages employees to "be themselves, " the company lacks the "professionalism" found at other firms, the engineer says.
3. "There is not a truly functional infrastructure."
3. “Facebook没有真正意义上切实可行的基础架构。”
Employees say that trying to figure out how to do cool things with a team of 4, 000 people is much harder than doing them with a team of 500.
"We're growing so fast and have never emphasized organization, polish, or stability."
4. "Don't complain to me about Facebook just because I work at Facebook."
4. “不要因为我在Facebook工作,就把对Facebook的牢骚全都发泄到我身上。”
The spouse of a former Facebook employee said that her husband was the recipient of many complaints about the site from friends and family, just because he was employed by the company.
"As a Facebook spouse, I was often asked for help on how to use the privacy settings solely on the basis that, being married to someone who works at Facebook, I must know."
5. "The complete lack of focus on my team."
5. “完全无法专注于自己的团队。”
"On the last day of my internship, the team decided that it was not worth completely rewriting the project, " a former Facebook intern admitted on Quora, after spending all of his time at the company redesigning and coding said project.
"If a more clear vision of the future of the product had been communicated to the team, I think I could have made many improvements to it, and impacted the company in a more positive way."
6. "You won't be making millions or building a new exciting company of your own."
6. “你不能单枪匹马就赚取百万或创建有前景的公司。”
Just because you're working for a cool company still means you're working. In this case, you're working to fulfill someone else's dream.
7. "It was probably my worst professional experience to date."
7. “这可能是我目前为止最糟糕的工作经历。”
"As a contractor and back fill for someone on maternity leave, I was temporarily assigned [as an admin] with very little guidance or support, serving two of the worst leaders I've ever interacted with, " claimed an anonymous former employee of the social network giant.
8. "I was asked to complete really inappropriate tasks."
8. “我被要求完成很不适宜的任务。”
One anonymous former employee of Facebook confessed, "The team treated me like garbage and I was asked to [do] really inappropriate tasks (i.e. separating the director's laundry complete with his wife's dirty undies still attached)."
9. "Instructions were not clear, everything was a guessing game, and I was immediately set up to fail."
9. “指令说明不清,一切都靠猜,我立马就砸掉了。”
After being put on a rigorous 10-day performance plan, one former employee said his team didn't even bother to give him feedback.
"At that point, I quit on the spot."
10. "Knowing that you are part of an overhyped public company."
10. “意识到自己是在一家虚有其名的公司工作。”
Facebook, which was "supposed to be valued at over $200 billion by now, had a dismal public offering that left many employees feeling totally helpless as they saw the value of their stock collapse, " an anonymous source wrote on Quora.
11. "Zuck and Sheryl imposing a 'holier than thou' attitude."
11. “扎克伯格和谢丽尔都是伪善自负的家伙。”
Referring to Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg and COO Sheryl Sandberg, a Facebook employee complains that the two spend way too much time on "extracurricular activities" (hint: "Lean In") and copying off the competition (i.e., Poke, which bears a resemblance to Snapchat).
提起Facebook创始人CEO马克-扎克伯格以及COO谢丽尔-桑德伯格,某个Facebook员工抱怨说,他们总是花精力搞“业余活动”(暗指桑德伯格的新书《Lean In》),并费尽心思排挤竞争(比如,和Snapchat相似的Poke)。
12. "We're looking too hard at Google."
12. “Facebook把Google盯得太紧了。”
Though he doesn't work at Facebook, this Quora user chimed in to say he is often invited to Facebook's tech talks, where he finds "no WOW factor."
"A lot of times Facebook seems to be looking too hard at Google rather than focusing on their core strengths and mission."
13. "Forget the free food and drinks - the workplace is awful."
13. “除了免费零食和饮料,整个工作环境太恐怖了。”
"When you have huge rooms filled with rows and rows of picnic style tables with people sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with six inches of separation and zero privacy, I am sorry.... That's how you keep cattle in the pen, not high quality talent earning low to mid six figures."
14. "I've seen decisions being made by interns."
14. “我发现有些决策甚至是实习生出的。”
Philip Su, a software engineer at Facebook, published "Ten Things I Hate About Working At Facebook" on his personal blog last year in a tongue-in-cheek attempt to write about the things that separate Facebook from so many other companies.
Philip Su是Facebook一名软件工程师,去年在个人博客上写了一篇《在Facebook工作最让我讨厌的十件事》,半开玩笑地列出了Facebook有别于众多其他公司的事情。
"I’ve seen decisions being made by lone engineers. Or an engineer and a designer over lunch. Or by interns, " he writes. "All without telling their managers, even. This sort of autonomous decision-making suggests a complete lack of understanding of how corporations are supposed to work."
15. "The tone of voice people used was belittling and self-righteous."
15. “人们说话语气鄙视而自以为是。”
According to one former employee, his colleagues were anything but pleasant company.
"The tone of voice people used was belittling and self-righteous, " the ex-employee writes. "I found them snobby, cliquey and frankly, rude."
16. "The drama."
16. “戏剧化。”
Of course, Su admits that the politics are ultimately what creates the dynamism and drama that make work worthwhile in any company; Facebook not excluded.
"Without these, it’s just code, code, code. Ship, ship, ship. I get tired just thinking about it."
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