What if telekinesis was real? How would you react?
That is the description on this terrifying video where a woman in a New York coffee shop apparently uses the power of telekinesis to throw someone up against the wall.
And she also moves tables and chairs around and throws books using only her mind as the other customers look on in horror.
Witnesses of the event are justifiably scared witless but none of them flee the scene instead choosing to stay and see what unfolds next.
But don't fear, nobody actually has the power of telekinesis - not that we know of anyway.
It's all just an elaborate stunt designed to hype up and promote the upcoming remake of Carrie which is set to hit cinemas later this year.
And it has certainly worked - the video is an online phenomenon getting over 2,000,000 hits in just one day.
The woman with the Carrie-esque powers is actually an actress who - despite the convincing show - is not actually possessed by the devil.
The man thrown up against the wall is also an actor and a combination of a fake backdrop and some fancy electronics produces a pretty convincing result.
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