辛普森一家作者罹患癌症 捐赠大笔财富-查字典英语网
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辛普森一家作者罹患癌症 捐赠大笔财富

发布时间:2019-08-31  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The producer of The Simpsons has decided to give his vast fortune away before he dies from colon cancer.

美国超人气动画《辛普森一家》的联合制作人Sam Simon在被确诊结肠癌之后,决定捐出自己的大笔财富用于慈善事业。

Sam Simon, 58, is spending his final months funding projects that feed homeless people and save animals from being killed in animal shelters.

现年58岁的Sam Simon在他生命的最后时光里选择了建立项目,帮助流浪者和建造动物避难所。

'The truth is, I have more money than I'm interested in spending. Everyone in my family is taken care of. And I enjoy this,' Simon explained.


Simon created the hit cartoon alongside Matt Groening in 1991 technically retired from The Simpsons in 1993 but still receives tens of millions in royalties every season.

Simon和Matt Groening一起在1991创造了大红大紫的《辛普森一家》一片。他1993年推出剧组,但每一季播出都能收到数百万美金的版税。

Now after being diagnosed with colon cancer that had spread to his liver and kidneys, Simon has met with financial planners to fund his foundation well after he dies.


He told The Hollywood Reporter that while chemotherapy used to make him feel better, those days are becoming more and more infrequent so now he wants to see the good use his money can do. 'I get pleasure from it. I love it. I don't feel like it is an obligation.'


Simon has set up a food bank in Los Angeles that serves only cruelty-free vegan food, and turned his Malibu mansion into dog rescue where animals who are about to be put down by local shelters are taken, cared for, and then trained to be companions for the deaf.


He said that the reason he enjoys giving to animals, and charities that work with dogs in particular, is because he is able to see the results quickly.



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