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发布时间:2019-08-31  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Is your spouse worried that you’re distracted by the office when you’re supposed to be enjoying a Fourth of July barbecue? That concern could have a professional impact that lasts long after the final firecracker has exploded.


A spouse’s perceptions have significant influence on employee satisfaction and firm loyalty, according to a new study. Researchers surveyed the employees of a national consulting firm—and their spouses—and determined from the responses of more than four hundred couples that a spouse can shape how an employee views the company for which he or she works both negatively and positively, contributing to burnout and turnover or fueling commitment and productively. Most of the employees surveyed were male and Caucasian, with a spouse who also worked outside the home and children.


“We know that employees have attitudes toward their jobs, toward their companies, ” said Dr. Julie Holliday Wayne of Wake Forest University School of Business, who headed the project. “We care about those attitudes because they influence things like performance, how willing employees are to go above and beyond the call of duty, and how likely they are to quit their jobs. We were interested in, ‘If the spouse develops these attitudes toward the firm, does that influence the employee?’ And what our research tells us is, ‘Yes.’”

“我们知道员工对自己的工作和所在的公司都有想法。”维克森林大学商学院的朱莉??霍丽岱??维恩(Julie Holliday Wayne)如是表示。她同时是这个项目的负责人。“我们关注这些态度,因为它们会影响很多东西,如工作表现、员工在多大程度上乐意做本职工作以外的事,以及他们辞职的可能性有多大。我们感兴趣的是,‘如果配偶对你的公司有自己的看法,这是否会影响到你?’而我们的研究结果告诉我们,‘是的’。”

The study showed that a spouse not only picks up on an employee’s sense of work situation, but also unconsciously observes his or her behaviors during non-work hours, to form opinions that then reinforce the employee’s own notions about the company.


“The spouse develops an attitude through the employee, ” said Wayne, and then “the way the spouse feels cycles back and influences the employee.”


The results of the survey may not shock many people. “When I tell people about this study, ” said Wayne, “they’re like, ‘Yeah, I knew that.’”


But the research, which Wayne believes is the first of its kind, adds quantifiable results that researchers hope can translate into a greater understanding of the measurable benefit of family-friendly policies in bringing about a more productive, committed workforce.


The participants revealed a range of positive and negative feelings about a spouse’s work life. Some praised the employer for flexible work schedules and fair compensation—one even cited allowing the survey to be done as proof that the company “cares about associates personally and professionally.”


The observations on the negative side focused primarily on work schedules considered unpredictable or demanding. One woman reported having to reduce her own work hours because her husband’s job didn’t let him adequately help out with child care.


Work schedule proves a lightning rod, the study found, as partners “easily observe” when an employee is absent from a family event, or too tired to truly participate, a condition Wayne describes as “present but not present.”

该研究发现,工作时间表好比是避雷针, 因为配偶“总是很容易就发现”你缺席了家庭活动,或因太过劳累而心不在焉——维恩将这一情形描述为“人在心不在”。

“There is a sense that he is always available even when we are on vacation or late at night, ” wrote one participant. “This adds stress to our family as we never know when he will feel the need to respond to an email, call or text. We just went on vacation and he spent several hours on the phone dealing with projects.”


While the study made few distinctions regarding gender, it did find that in dual career households, spouses have higher expectations for family presence from working mothers than from their male partners.


“A husband who is dissatisfied with his wife‘s work schedule may be more likely to hold negative attitudes toward her firm, ” states the report, “because work interferes with her primary role of caregiver.”


Alternatively, in households where the wife was also a mother and was not employed outside the home, higher levels of frustration with the husband’s demanding or unpredictable work schedule were reported, leading to diminished loyalty to the employer. If a homemaker wife resented her husband’s long hours more than a job-holding one did, it was probably because of a greater need for psychological support, the study’s authors conjectured.


The upside for employers? Results suggest that winning a spouse’s good favor—and by extension, deepening an employee’s connection to the company—may not be too difficult. Positives of a work situation (recognition for achievements, etc.) can translate to spousal good feelings about the organization as a whole, whereas negatives (such as bad work schedules or office conflicts) tend to translate to more specific complaints and don’t affect overall impressions of a company.


Waynehopes the research will help employers better understand the demands they make on workers, and encourage greater investigation into the impact a work environment can have on employees’ families.


“These two systems, ” said Wayne, “‘work’ and ‘life outside of work’—they’re not separate and mutually exclusive spheres.”



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