Getting what you want in your career and in life isn't as difficult as it may seem. I mean it.
Here's a sneak peak at how you can be successful in everything you do:
Listen First and Never Stop Listening
Listening is the single-most important skill in professional and personal relationships. Most people have their own agenda and are too busy talking (or waiting to talk) to listen to you. If you, unlike most people, can truly listen with empathy, then people will like you--and eventually help you get what you want.
Help Others
When you want something from someone, instead of asking for it, help that person get what he or she wants. If you don't know what he or she wants, then simply ask, "How can I help you?" Since so many people are out to only help themselves, when you genuinely seek to help others succeed in their goals and dreams, you'll stand out. And those people you genuinely help will in turn fight to help you succeed and give you everything you want. Help others first, without expecting anything--and the returns will be enormous.
Be Yourself: Authentic, Transparent, and Vulnerable
authenticity, transparency, and vulnerability all breed trust. And when people trust you, they'll do anything for you. Open up to people, and take a chance, and you'll be rewarded.
Inject Passion Into Every Interaction
Passion is contagious, but so is lack of passion. If you're not passionate about what you're talking about, why should someone else care? If you want something, you must be more excited and dedicated to it than anyone else.
Surprise and Delight Others
When you surprise and delight others, not only do you make them happy--you remind them that you're the type of person who might surprise and delight them soon again. Some classic examples: bringing home flowers to your wife for "no reason"; telling a customer his order will arrive next week but then overnighting it.
Use The Four Most Important Words in Business and Life
Say "I'm sorry" when you make a mistake and "thank you" as much as you can. These words are so simple, yet so often people overlook the importance of saying them. Just say "I'm sorry" and let another person forgive you, so you can move on, and eventually get what you want. Conversely, sincere gratitude to people is a powerful emotion to convey, and opens up many doors.
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