Silvio Berlusconi has been sentenced to seven years in prison and banned from holding public office for life at the conclusion of a sex and abuse of office trial that is likely to raise tensions between the two main parties in Italy’s fragile coalition government.
西尔维奥•贝卢斯科尼(Silvio Berlusconi)因性犯罪和滥用职权罪被判处入狱7年并且终身不得担任公职,这可能引起意大利脆弱的联合政府的主要两党之间关系紧张。
A Milan court yesterday found the 76-year-old former prime minister and leader of the People of Liberty party guilty on charges of paying for sex with an underage prostitute, Karima El Mahroug, a Moroccan nightclub dancer, and abuse of office when, as prime minister in 2010, he put pressure on a chief of police to free the teenager from detention on suspicion of theft.
米兰一家法院昨天判决这位76岁的前总理及自由人民党(People of Liberty party)党魁有罪,罪名是与未成年妓女、摩洛哥籍夜总会舞女卡里玛•埃尔马鲁格(Karima El Mahroug)发生性交易,并且在2010年担任总理时滥用职权,迫使警察局长释放了因涉嫌盗窃而被拘留的埃尔马鲁格。
Niccolò Ghedini, Mr Berlusconi’s defence lawyer, called the sentence “beyond logic” and said the former prime minister, now a senator, would appeal. Italy’s judicial system has a lengthy two-stage appeals system and the sentence, if confirmed, will not be enforced until that process is exhausted.
贝卢斯科尼的辩护律师尼科洛•盖迪尼(Niccolò Ghedini)称,这一量刑“不合逻辑”,并表示这位现担任参议员的前总理将上诉。意大利司法系统的上诉制度分为两个阶段,过程漫长,只有走完这一流程,方可执行已判定的刑期(如果上诉庭维持原判的话)。
It was Mr Berlusconi’s third criminal conviction since March in separate trials, which he has repeatedly denounced as part of a leftwing conspiracy by a biased judiciary to destroy his political career after leading Italy’s centre-right for nearly 20 years.
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