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发布时间:2019-08-31  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Smog worsened in Singapore on Wednesday to a record hazardous level, as smoke from forest fires in neighboring Indonesia blanketed the island country in one of its worst air-pollution crises.


Singapore's air quality briefly reached officially designated 'hazardous' levels for the first time when the city's three-hour Pollutant Standards Index, a measure of air quality, peaked at 321 in the late evening. It later slipped back to 218, pointing to 'very unhealthy'' conditions. The spike surpassed the previous peak of 226 in September 1997 during one of Southeast Asia's worst stretches of air pollution.

新加坡的空气质量周三晚间首次短暂达到了官方认定的“有害”水平,当时新加坡衡量空气质量的污染物标准指数(Pollutant Standards Index)曾触及321。该指数基于过去三个小时的数据。指数随后回落至218,显示空气质量“非常不利于健康”。周三晚间的最高值超过了1997年9月份触及的上一次峰值226,当时东南亚经历了最严重的空气污染之一。

The pollution was caused mainly by fires on Indonesia's island of Sumatra that were set as a cheap, though illegal, way of clearing land for oil palm plantations. The smog first shrouded Singapore and southern stretches of Peninsular Malaysia over the weekend. Singapore officials have warned that very unhealthy levels of pollution could persist Thursday.


At a hastily called news conference late Wednesday, Vivian Balakrishnan, Singapore's environment minister, said he urged Indonesian authorities to take immediate and concrete action against the haze. A team of Singaporean officials will fly to Indonesia on Thursday to discuss potential remedies.

新加坡环境部长维文(Vivian Balakrishnan)周三晚间在一个紧急召开的资讯发布会上说,他已敦促印尼当局立刻采取具体行动应对雾霾。一个由新加坡官员组成的小组周四将飞往印尼,讨论可能的解决方案。

Continuing fires in Sumatra and slim chances of rain point to persistent haze, Mr. Balakrishnan said, adding officials could shut schools and halt outdoor work activities if air quality worsens further. But he ruled out immediate attempts to seed rain clouds, saying weather conditions weren't favorable.


Pollution readings in the 51 to 100 range indicate moderate air quality, while 101 to 200 point to unhealthy conditions. Measurements between 201 and 300 represent a very unhealthy status, while reading above 300 indicates hazardous.


The minister repeated his criticism of Indonesia's failure to tackle haze pollution, a recurring problem in Southeast Asia due to widespread use of fire to clear forest and peatland, often by palm-oil companies and subsistence farmers. Indonesian officials said they are working to douse the flames and have prepared for possible rain seeding of clouds.


Air quality hit 'dangerous' levels in Indonesia's Riau province, where most of the fires were located, while more districts in Malaysia's southern Johor state were classified as having 'unhealthy' air quality.


Malaysia's meteorological office warned of low visibility in southern parts of the Strait of Malacca, which separates the peninsula from Sumatra, saying conditions were dangerous for vessels not equipped with navigational instruments.


In Dumai, a city in Riau province, officials have distributed thousands of masks to help the local populace cope with the pollution.


In Singapore, the Guardian pharmacy chain said its sales of N95-level masks─which have at least 95% efficiency in filtering material the size of sodium chloride particles, grains of salt─have surged amid the hazy conditions, with sales Sunday and Monday coming in at seven times that of the preceding week. The chain said it also saw demand spike for eye drops, as Monday's sales jumped by as much as 70% from Sunday.



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