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发布时间:2019-08-31  编辑:查字典英语网小编

During my thirty-plus years working abroad for the CIA, the unspoken truth among case officers like me was that you'd have to be nuts, as the citizen of another country, to be a spy for a foreign intelligence service. In recruiting an agent or 'asset,' we were asking him to ignore the instinct of self-preservation, to break the laws of his own country─to become a traitor. And we were asking him to trust that no leak or mole would ever expose him.


Today, there are still secrets that need stealing, and the consequences of detection remain dangerous. Moscow's recent expulsion of an alleged CIA officer was dramatic, but such moves are among the lesser costs of espionage gone awry.


How, then, does a case officer persuade someone to become a traitor? There is no definitive handbook. The process is as complex as human relationships. If possible, a friendship should develop between the case officer and the prospective agent; bonds of trust must be established. But beneath the surface, there is the CIA officer's constant and often uncharitable assessment of the target's aspirations, fears and desires. You must know what motivates the potential recruit so that you can better exploit his vulnerabilities and, in the end, put him in the right frame of mind for your 'pitch.'


In making this assessment, the CIA relies on four basic human motivations, described by the acronym MICE: money, ideology, conscience and ego. Some agencies in the U.S. intelligence community, perhaps not realizing that MICE is already a plural word, insist on adding an S to the end for sex. But sexual entrapment is not a reliable recruitment technique. A blackmailed agent tends to be resentful, brooding, prone to disloyalty and the fabrication of intelligence. Other countries, most infamously Russia, have used sexual entrapment in intelligence operations without compunction.


The relationship with an agent motivated by money is straightforward: 'We give you cash, and you steal secrets.' Consider the case of the aircraft mechanic in a North African country who, in 1974, reported that six new export models of the Soviet MiG 23 fighter had been delivered to his military air base. He was willing to photograph every detail of the planes and proposed being paid per frame, as long as the images were of value.

与一名动机是为了挣钱的特工之间的关系很直接:“我们给你现金,你去窃取机密。”北非某国的一名飞机机械师就是一个例子,他在1974年报告说苏联出口的六架新的米格23战斗机(MiG 23)已经交付给他所在的空军基地。他愿意拍下这些飞机的每一个细节,并提出只要这些照片有价值,要按照片数量支付他酬金。

One night, under a brilliant African moon, he crawled all over the plane, snapping photos. For a final rear-facing shot, he shinnied out onto the shark's nose of the aircraft─and suddenly slid backward off the front. He looked up to discover that he had bent down the hollow nose needle at a twenty-degree angle. Unable to straighten the thing out─and worried that his payment would be jeopardized─he proceeded down the flight line in a panic and bent the five needles on the remaining fighters to match the first. He got his money, but his access was lost, along with his usefulness.


The agent motivated by ideology─or, as often as not, by the traumatic loss of ideology─may develop slowly, sometimes over years. This agent no longer believes in her government. She has been abused by the system and hates the superiors who have ruined her career. Lots of regimes around the world, past and present, take away hope and institutionalize despair: Stalin in the 1950s, the mullahs in Tehran in 2013. A Soviet military officer named Dmitri Polyakov, posted to New York in the 1960s, was refused permission by an implacable Moscow to take his fatally ill son to a U.S. doctor. His ideology faded, his heart hardened and he started to work with the CIA. He is still considered one of the agency's best assets ever.

因意识形态原因而当特工的人──或者说是由于意识形态迷失而造成的创伤──可能要慢慢发展,有时需要耗时多年。这种特工不再信任自己的政府。她受到了所在体制的伤害,憎恨那些毁了她事业的上司。无论是过去还是现在,世界上都存在很多这样的政权,在夺去了人的希望之后又植入绝望:1950年代的斯大林(Stalin)政权,2013年的德黑兰毛拉政权。1960年代,一位被派驻纽约的名叫德米特里•波利亚科夫(Dmitri Polyakov)的苏联军官要求把他病入膏肓的儿子送到美国寻求一位医生的救治,遭到了莫斯科方面毫不留情的拒绝。他的意识形态基础丧失殆尽,变得铁石心肠,开始为CIA效力。现在他仍然被认为是中情局有史以来最优秀的线人之一。

The agent motivated by conscience bears watching. He may be messianic and looking for ways to atone for his sins, or for the sins of his system─or for all the Evil in the World. The ticking of remorseful conscience may come with age, with too much war or betrayal, or with having driven a tank in Tiananmen Square. Or it may come with enlightenment. Perhaps an Iranian nuclear scientist─rational, humanistic, a man of erudition─will realize one day what it would mean for the Islamic Republic to have nuclear weapons and will emerge from the subterranean centrifuge halls of the Iranian desert with secrets in hand.


The agent motivated by ego is a blessing and a curse. Properly stroked, he can be responsive, motivated and focused. But once the stroking starts, you cannot stop: He will be needy, moody, demanding. Ego is one of the most powerful human motivators, and it encompasses sex, as the Russians knew very well in running their sexual ambushes against targets inside and outside Russia over the years.


A case officer also looks for prospects among individuals who seem to be in search of an ego, their spirits stamped flat by purges, cultural revolutions or protracted tax investigations (a favorite tactic of today's Kremlin). In the late 70s, one agent with abysmal self-esteem and a nervous disposition was told (falsely) by his case officer that his intel tidbits had been reported to the White House to rave reviews. His shriveled ego flowered: He now had people who counted on him and admired him! That's all it took for the meek little man to ignore his fears and begin bringing out classified documents─all in the belief that he was personally spying for Jimmy Carter, God help him.

情报官员也会在那些看似正在寻找自我的人中间挖掘潜在的特工,他们的精神由于清洗、文化革命或旷日持久的税收调查(克里姆林宫(Kremlin)如今最喜欢用的一种手段)而被践踏摧毁。在1970年代末期,情报官员告知(其实是误报)一名自尊心极强而且有神经质的特工他的零碎情报已经报告给了白宫(White House),受到高度评价。他心中凋谢的自我意识绽放了:现在有人仰仗他、赏识他了!仅此一点就让这个性情温顺的小个子男人不顾心中的恐惧,开始搞出机密文件──深信他是亲手在为吉米•卡特(Jimmy Carter)刺探情报。上帝保佑!

The spy game is a perfect subject for examining the human condition. Its practitioners traffic in trust and betrayal, hope and fear, love and hatred. And even now, our intelligence needs multiply─in the rush to understand how Russia will use natural gas to extend its reach, or how soon Iran will have a nuke, or how Beijing plans to achieve hegemony in the Pacific. Case officers around the world continue their work, trying to persuade people to become traitors and deploying tools as old as the trade itself.



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