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发布时间:2019-08-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Young people have many romantic notions about their first jobs -- what they'll be paid, what they'll do. But perhaps the most poignant misconception is that employers will invest time in developing their skills.


A recent Accenture survey found that 77% of those set to graduate from college in 2013 expected to receive formal training in their first jobs. But only 48% of those in the classes of 2011 and 2017 reported being trained.


"There's a disconnect between employers' expectations of grads entering with relevant skills and the reality," says Katherine LaVelle, a managing director in Accenture's talent and organization practice -- which is that few college grads have job-specific skills on day one. Adding to the problem? "Given economic constraints, lots of employers have looked to cut back." Training is an easy budget line to trim.


But some companies that hire young people train extensively and claim that if you focus on skills, it's worth the cash. That's true not only in the long run -- LaVelle notes that trained employees "don't quit as quickly" -- but sometimes even in a new hire's first weeks.


Most major investment banks outsource a chunk of their new employee training to a company called Training The Street, which runs two- to two-and-a-half-week programs emphasizing financial skills. Founder and CEO Scott Rostan describes his program as "very real time, very hands on, and very practical." One popular exercise? Would-be bankers get a spreadsheet full of financial data "that is basically ugly," Rostan says, and needs to be formatted. Instructors "explain how to do it, step by step, methodically, all the keystrokes to make it better." This usually takes about 15 minutes. Then, during the course of the program, students keep coming back to the spreadsheet to try again. By the end of the program, "most of them can do it in two, three, four, five minutes or less."

大多数大型投资银行会将新员工培训外包给一家名为Training The Street的培训公司,它会提供为期两周至两周半的培训课程,重点培训财务能力。公司创始人兼CEO斯科特??罗斯坦称公司的课程“非常即时、非常注重实践、非常实用。”要问最受欢迎的练习是什么?罗斯坦表示,想要成为银行业者的培训生们会收到一份“令人厌恶的”财务数据电子表格,他们需要对它进行格式化。讲师们会“系统讲解让表格变得更完美的具体步骤。”这个过程通常需要15分钟时间。而在整个培训过程中,学生们还要经常重新拿出电子表格进行不断尝试。培训结束时,“大多数学生都能在两到五分钟甚至更短的时间内完成表格的格式化。”

Such drills have a parallel in sports, Rostan says. "We're training these people to be world-class athletes, so it's about going to the gym and getting the reps down and getting your muscle memory in tune."


The upside for a bank is that by paying for financial skills training, the bank can hire smart liberal arts grads who haven't taken accounting or business courses. This expands the pool of potential hires, but keeps these new staffers from draining the expensive time of senior people on their first projects with questions about what EBITDA means and how to line up numbers on Excel.


To be sure, many companies that do train have been trying to find ways to compress training into less time. With young people likely to switch jobs frequently, "there is a fine line between what is effective training and what is overkill," says LaVelle.


But others are holding the line. Enterprise, the rental car company, has become a top employer for new college grads because of its extensive training. After a few weeks in the classroom, new hires spend 8-12 months in a structured program learning to manage an Enterprise location. "It's very transparent," says Marie Artim, vice president for talent acquisition at Enterprise. "They're seeing P&L statements, and learning what it takes to make an impact on them." Management trainees study and practice scheduling, customer service, and accounting. "It's business as a whole."

但也有许多公司仍然坚持提供培训。汽车租赁公司Enterprise凭借大量培训而成为最受大学毕业生欢迎的雇主。新员工会先在课堂中学习几周,然后会有8 – 12个月的时间参加一个结构化的培训项目,学习如何管理Enterprise的租车点。公司人力资源副总裁玛丽??阿蒂姆说:“整个过程非常透明。新员工们会看到损益表,了解哪些因素会影响到损益表。”管理培训生会学习和练习调度、客户服务与会计等能力。“它是一个整体。”

Such a long -- and expensive -- training process comes with its risks. There's nothing stopping a rival car rental company from trying to poach Enterprise's new managers after their first year. This "free rider" problem -- when rival companies can capitalize on one company's outsize investment in training -- discourages training in general as the average length of tenure at a company declines.


But Enterprise claims that its return on investment is still positive because of its internal promotion policy. "We do have a lot of people … who have completely changed careers without changing companies," says Artim. Money spent on training is money not spent on recruiting higher up the ladder. And not everyone who leaves goes to other car rental companies. They go into other industries where "hopefully they'll be great ambassadors for our brand" -- or at least more likely to rent from Enterprise when they're on vacation.


Restaurant chain Le Pain Quotidien also trains new hires extensively. Leah Rucinski, training and development manager for Le Pain Quotidien California, started as a server in New York. She reports that someone hired as a server will spend five days with a certified trainer, learning every aspect of the restaurant and -- a tough part of the job, to be sure -- tasting everything on the menu.

连锁餐厅Le Pain Quotidien也为新员工提供大量培训。Le Pain Quotidien加州分公司培训与发展经理莉亚??鲁辛斯基最初只是纽约的一名服务生。她说,被聘为服务生的员工会跟随一名认证培训师学习五天,了解酒店的方方面面,包括最辛苦的部分——品尝菜单上的所有食物。

In orientation, "we teach you to notice what a good cup of espresso and a good cup of coffee tastes like," Rucinski says, and exactly how to make an equally stunning brew. New kitchen staff drill on knife skills, and "one of the really cool things we're working on right now is figuring out a career path for every single position, down to the dishwasher in the kitchen."

鲁辛斯基说道,在指导新人过程中,“我们会教新员工辨别,一杯好的浓缩咖啡是什么样,一杯好咖啡尝起来是什么味道, ”以及怎样制作一杯同样绝妙的啤酒。厨房的新员工还要练习刀功。“我们现在做的事很了不起,它将明确每一个职位的职业发展方向,即使是厨房的洗碗工也不例外。”

That means that training doesn't stop after those first five days. LPQ offers all kinds of classes, such as bread-baking courses at regional bakeries, or catering classes featuring relay races to see who can fill a tray quickest. "We never want you to get bored," Rucinski says. "We feel if we put time and money into developing our people, they'll last with us and grow with us."



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