日本少女脚臭熏死鲤鱼 网友吐槽内功深厚-查字典英语网
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日本少女脚臭熏死鲤鱼 网友吐槽内功深厚

发布时间:2019-08-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编

根据中新网报道,一名19岁的日本少女日前在资讯网站的生活Q&A专区分享了自己的烦恼:她有着“灾难级脚臭”。“我买了4双鞋子每天换着穿,但有次帮爷爷清理池塘时,脚气味还是把鲤鱼臭死了。” 小姑娘急须专家提供解决之道。


Can severe athlete's foot kill fish? It might sound like a urban legend, but a Japanese girl with stinky feet might have killed fishes with her fungal affliction.


The troubled 19-year-old Japanese girl does not have a normal life, nor a love life, because of her smelly feet. Even though she changes her shoes four times a day, the situation never seems to get better.


It is believed the distinctive smell is due to the decomposition of protein in a certain bacteria on her feet. It is suggested that the young woman adopt a healthier lifestyle to ease the severity of the case.


About athlete's foot


Athlete's foot is a fungal infection of the skin that causes scaling, flaking, and itch of affected areas. It is caused by fungi in the genus Trichophyton. While it is typically transmitted in moist communal areas where people walk barefoot, such as showers or bathhouses, the disease requires a warm moist environment, such as the inside of a shoe, in order to incubate. Because of this the fungus only affects approximately 0.75% of habitually (frequently) barefoot people.


Although the condition typically affects the feet, it can infect or spread to other areas of the body, including the groin, particularly areas of skin that are kept hot and moist, such as with insulation, body heat, and sweat, e.g. in a shoe, for long periods of time.


While the fungus is generally picked up through walking barefoot in an infected area or using an infected towel, infection can be prevented by remaining barefoot as this allows the feet to dry properly and removes the fungus' primary incubator - the warm moist interior of a shoe.


Athlete's foot can be treated by a number of pharmaceuticals (including creams) and other treatments, although it can be almost completely prevented by never wearing shoes, or wearing them as little as possible.



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