5月14日,香港维多利亚港展览了12天的大黄鸭因为漏气趴到水里。主办单位表示会放气收起运往船厂作详细检查,估计有望在两日内再次展出与市民见面。大黄鸭倒下了也引起众多网友调侃:“加班10多天累死了” “得了禽流感没吃板蓝根” “被愚蠢的人类气死的” 各种有趣的解释也层出不穷。
Hong Kong's favorite new resident, a giant inflatable duck, took a turn for the worse on Wednesday, looking less like an oversized lovable plaything and more like an unappetizing fried egg on the water.
The 16.5-meter (54 feet) inflatable sculpture mysteriously lost its mojo overnight, deflated and bobbed lifelessly in Victoria Harbour.
Organizers called an urgent duck crisis meeting early Wednesday and didn't respond to questions about the misfortunes of the duck or whether the deflation was part of regular maintenance, as reported in some local media. A tweet did appear however on the official Harbour City Twitter account, saying: "The Rubber Duck needs to freshen up. Stay tuned for its return."
The duck has captivated Hong Kong since its arrival earlier this month. News of the duck's deflation was splashed across Hong Kong media and social networks.
Called "Rubber Duck," it's the product of Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman. After going on show on May 2, it was to be on display until June 9.
这只“橡皮鸭” 是荷兰艺术家霍夫曼的作品,它于5月2日开始在香港展出直至6月9日结束。
Though it's unclear what happened to the duck, the artist told CNN earlier that the duck was built locally so it would be easier to fix.
Hong Kong is the latest port of call for the duck. It's previously taken up temporary residence in cities all over the world, including Osaka, Sydney, Sao Paolo and Amsterdam.
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