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发布时间:2019-08-28  编辑:查字典英语网小编

If you need another reason to kick the junk food habit this should do it.


A Utah man has unearthed a McDonald's hamburger he bought in 1999 - and the sandwich looks exactly the same as the day it was first flipped.


David Whipple kept the fast food meal for a month to show friends how the preservative-packed hamburger would keep its composure.


But he forgot about it, finding it two years later in his coat pocket and then he decided to continue the bizarre experiment.


However, even he was shocked to see that the hamburger still looks the same a whopping 14 years later.


'It wasn't on purpose,' Whipple told TV show 'The Doctors,' of his decision to keep the burger for such a long time.

“我不是有意做出这样的决定,将汉堡保存这么长时间的”,惠普尔在电视节目“医生” 中谈到。

‘I was showing some people how enzymes work and I thought a hamburger would be a good idea. And I used it for a month and then I forgot about it.’


'It ended up in a paper sack in the original sack with the receipt in my coat pocket tossed in the back of my truck and it sat there for, I don't know, two or three months.'


'It ended up in a paper sack in the original sack with the receipt in my coat pocket tossed in the back of my truck and it sat there for, I don't know, two or three months.'

“后来我在放在卡车后备箱的大衣口袋里发现了这个汉堡,它原封不动地被装在纸袋中,发票也还留着,在后备箱里放了大概 有2到3个月。”

He said his coat ended up in the coat closet of his Logan, Utah, home.


'My wife didn't discover it until at least a year or two after that,' he said. 'And we pulled it out and said "oh my gosh. I can't believe it looks the same way."'

“我的妻子直到一两年后才发现这个汉堡,” 惠普尔说,“当把汉堡拿出来时我们惊呼 ‘天呐,简直不可思议,它看起来与刚买时一样!’”

The burger had no signs of mold, fungus or even a strange odor, the show's hosts said. The only thing that had changed over the years was that the pickle had disintegrated.


Whipple, who still has the original receipt for the burger, said he now shows the sandwich to his grandchildren to encourage them to eat healthily.



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