公路救赎: 拥堵让中国人重拾自行车-查字典英语网
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公路救赎: 拥堵让中国人重拾自行车

发布时间:2019-08-28  编辑:查字典英语网小编

For decades under communism, owning a private car was an impossible dream in China. Now that the dream has come true for tens of millions of Chinese, they are waking up each day to a life of traffic jams and smog.


Beijing’s air pollution has been so bad recently that it has captured headlines around the world – yet the capital has far from the dirtiest air in China. More and more mainland cities can boast world-class traffic congestion, parking shortages and commuting times, auto analysts say.


Under Chairman Mao Zedong, schoolchildren were taught that these were the ills associated with capitalism, but China’s urban planners were no match for half a century of pent-up demand from first-time car buyers.


The country, whose showpiece industry event – the Shanghai Auto Show – starts this weekend, is now the world’s largest car market. And it is paying the price.

中国汽车行业的盛事——上海车展(Shanghai Auto Show),已于上周末开幕。中国目前已成为全球最大的汽车市场,但它正为此付出代价。

With more than half of all Chinese living in cities, “smog and clog” are becoming big political issues. Even washing all those cars is exacerbating the country’s water shortage, according to a report last week from a Chinese NGO.


The impact is so high that some cities are even thinking the unthinkable: sending China back to its roots as a nation of cyclists.


“Ten years ago, everyone dreamt of owning a car. But after they realised that dream, they found it has caused a lot of problems,” says Dong Hongzhao of the Intelligent Traffic System programme at Zhejiang University of Technology. “Traffic congestion has harmed our health and caused a lot of inconvenience,” he adds, predicting that urbanites will soon be fed up enough to opt for public transport, or even bicycles.

浙江工业大学(Zhejiang University of Technology)研究智能交通系统的董红召表示:“十年前,所有人都梦想有辆汽车。但当他们梦想成真后,却发现这引发了许多问题。交通拥堵损害了我们的健康,导致了许多麻烦。”他预计,城市居民很快会受够了交通拥堵,转而选择公共交通、乃至自行车出行。

Schemes by local authorities to encourage people to use bikes are popping up across the country.


Hangzhou, the city where Mr Dong lives and works, is one of China’s most famous tourist cities but is also a municipality of 11m people, bigger than Greater London. It is famous throughout China for its traffic jams – but also for having the world’s largest public bicycle rental scheme.

董红召在杭州生活和工作。杭州是中国最著名的旅游城市之一,但也是一个拥有1100万人的超级大城市,人口比大伦敦(Greater London)还要多。杭州堵车之严重全国闻名,但该市拥有全球最大的公共自行车租赁项目,这一点同样全国知名。

An hour after sunrise, the public bicycle stand on Kaixuan Road in Hangzhou starts to get busy. A mother loads her small son on to the bike’s child seat to deliver him to school. She swipes the public transport card that gives her an hour on the bike for free – the same rechargeable card she can later use for a ride on Hangzhou’s new subway line, a public bus or taxi.


Later, a middle school pupil wearing the red neckerchief of the Communist party’s Young Pioneers pulls out a bike, then an old man with a dog in the front basket, and finally 24-year-old white-collar worker Jin Qiyan takes the last cycle for his one-hour commute to work. Mr Jin owns a car, but says “it’s faster, more convenient and more environmentally friendly by bike”.


With a rental stand every 300m in downtown areas, mobile apps that tell users where to find the closest available bicycle, and fees that rise from Rmb1 to Rmb3 an hour, the scheme is already very popular: as many as 400,000 people use it every day.


Hangzhou wants to encourage the city’s 1m car owners (a figure that has quintupled in the past decade) to stop “misusing” their vehicles for short trips that could be made by bike, says Luo Bin of the Hangzhou Municipal Comprehensive Traffic Research Centre, a quasi governmental organisation. The city government wants 50 to 60 per cent of people walking, riding electric bikes or push bikes.

杭州市综合交通研究中心(Hangzhou Municipal Comprehensive Traffic Research Centre)是一家政府下属机构。该中心的罗斌表示,杭州希望鼓励该市100万名私家车车主(这个数字是10年前的5倍),在骑行距离内的短途出行中不再“滥用”汽车。杭州市政府希望,步行、骑电动车或自行车出行者的比例能达到50%至60%。

Other cities such as Suzhou, Foshan, Shenzhen, Taiyuan, Changsha, Shanghai and Chengdu, to name just a few, are also pushing public bicycle rental.


But so far there are few signs that the Chinese are ready to trade in their BMWs and go back to bicycles: in the first quarter of this year, sales of SUVs rose 45 per cent year on year – hardly a sign of an environmental revolution among Chinese drivers.


Mr Luo acknowledges that a big part of the current problem is failure to enforce laws against traffic violations such as double parking and blocking intersections. “Fifty per cent of the congestion is made by people themselves,” says Klaus Paur, of Ipsos consultancy in Shanghai. Handing out a few traffic tickets may be easier than getting China’s car lovers to obey the decree: let them ride bikes.

罗斌承认,当前的问题在很大程度上缘于,并排停车和堵塞路口等交通违章行为未受到严肃处理。益普索(Ipsos)驻上海分析师包亦农(Klaus Paur)表示:“拥堵有50%是人为造成的。”让中国的爱车人吃几张罚单,比让他们响应“骑车出行”的倡议更容易。


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