适者生存: 电视行业面临灭顶之灾-查字典英语网
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适者生存: 电视行业面临灭顶之灾

发布时间:2019-08-28  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Could it really turn out that a company with a seemingly loopy business model -- capturing over-the-air TV signals and streaming them to subscribers over the Internet -- will be the thing that finally brings down the American broadcasting industry? Quite possibly.


Chase Carey, News Corp.'s (NWSA) chief operating officer, said Monday that if the company in question, Aereo, is allowed to continue, his company's Fox Broadcasting, and all its affiliate stations, will stop broadcasting over the air and go all-cable. "If CBS, NBC, and ABC follow," says Bloomberg News, it would "mark an end to television as it's been known since The Honeymooners aired in the 1950s." So far, those networks haven't weighed in, but the Spanish-language TV giant Univision has: It made a similar threat after Carey made his remarks during to the National Association of Broadcasters convention in Las Vegas.

本周一,资讯集团(News Corp.)首席运营官切斯•凯里表示,如果备受质疑的Aereo公司获准继续运营,那么资讯集团旗下的福克斯广播(Fox Broadcasting)以及所有附属电视台都将停用无线信号,改用有线传输。彭博资讯社(Bloomberg News)报道:“如果哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)、全国广播公司(NBC)和美国广播公司(ABC)效仿,自20世纪50年代随着《蜜月新人》(The Honeymooners )的播出而兴起的电视产业将就此走到尽头。”到目前为止,这些广播公司尚未表态,不过西班牙语电视巨头Univision却掺合了进来。继凯里在全国广播事业工作者协会(National Association of Broadcasters)于拉斯维加斯举办的会议上发出威胁之后,Univision也发表了类似的言论。

Those other networks, though, along with PBS and Fox, are fighting hard to put Aereo out of business. But so far, they're losing their legal argument. A federal appeals court last week ruled that Aereo can keep operating while their lawsuit against the company proceeds. In so doing, the judges noted that the networks are unlikely to win at trial. Barring a further appeal to the Supreme Court or passage of new laws, that would mean that broadcast signals are there for the taking by Internet streaming companies like Aereo, which is backed by Barry Diller's IAC/Interactive (IACI).


The broadcasters say the model amounts to copyright infringement. Carey on Monday said that his company "won't just sit idle and allow our content to be actively stolen." Aereo's business is based on a 2008 court ruling that applied in that case to Cablevision's "cloud based" DVR service, which essentially functions as a home video recorder with a really long cord, attached at the other end to a machine in a Cablevision (CVC) facility that stores video files for the personal use of subscribers. The length of the cord, the court essentially ruled, shouldn't matter.


Aereo says it's basically doing the same thing, but with broadcast signals, which, after all, are free for the taking by any viewer who wants them. Aereo makes a TV signal available to viewers, via the Internet, for a subscription fee. The legal basis for the business depends on Aereo creating a separate video file for each subscriber -- something that's not technically necessary but is done only to comply with copyright laws.


Aereo draws more viewers to the programming, and hence to the ads. But it devalues the cable subscriptions that people buy largely in order to access local and live programming without having to fuss with an antenna. "It is clear that the broadcast business needs a dual revenue stream from both ad and subscription to be viable," Carey told the crowd at the NAB convention. And he made it clear which revenue stream is more important: "We simply cannot provide the type of quality sports, news, and entertainment content that we do from an ad-supported-only business model. We have no choice but to develop business solutions that ensure we continue to remain in the driver's seat of our own destiny."


Such a move, though, especially if copied by other networks, "could cripple the network-local station broadcast model," notes AdWeek's Katy Bachman.


There is some irony in the fact that Aereo's threat to TV has broadcasters considering retreating behind cable's walls, which themselves are under threat from the Internet. While "cord cutting" isn't so far a huge problem for cable companies, it is a problem. Only about 5% of viewers gave up on pay-TV last year, according to Nielsen, but that number is slowly growing as Internet-viewing options proliferate. So far the threat is mainly from the likes of Netflix (NFLX) and Amazon (AMZN), which offer a range of movies and TV shows for a fraction of the cost of a cable subscription, which can run higher than $100 a month。


Live sports and local news are keeping a lot of viewers within the cable fold, but that's just the kind of programming that Aereo offers. Meanwhile, HBO -- which, like Fortune, is currently owned by Time Warner (TWX) -- has hinted that it might make its HBO Go streaming service to all who want to subscribe, even if they don't have a cable subscription, which is now required. For the moment, it seems like HBO believes it can make more money from the fees it collects from cable subscribers than it could make battling it out on the Internet, where prices are extremely low. But the fact that HBO is even thinking about such a move represents another crack in cable's walled fortress.

有线电视台的实况体育赛事和本地资讯节目留住了大量观众,不过Aereo提供的正是这类节目。与此同时,与《财富》同属于时代华纳集团(Time Warner)的HBO电视网暗示,可能向所有有兴趣的人提供HBO Go付费流媒体服务,即便他们并非有线电视用户(该流媒体服务目前只对有线用户开放)。HBO似乎认为,网络市场收费低且竞争激烈,挣点钱很不容易,在有线电视上获得的收入比网络上多得多。但即使这样,HBO都已经在考虑拉拢网络用户,可谓在有线电视阵营自挖墙角。

A lot of people subscribe to cable mainly to have access to programming from networks like HBO, Showtime, and AMC. If such fare makes its way to the Internet separately from cable, the rationale for having a cable subscription will be that much harder to defend, especially if Aereo is allowed to remain in business.



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