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发布时间:2019-08-28  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Three men were forcibly removed from an annual culture festival in Saudi Arabia and subsequently sent back to the UAE after it was deemed that women could find them irresistible.


The delegates from the United Arab Emirates were in attendance at the Jenadrivah Heritage & Culture Festival in Riyadh, the Saudi capital, when religious police officers stormed the stand and evicted the men because “they are too handsome,” according to the Arabic language newspaper, Elaph.


“A festival official said the three Emiratis were taken out on the grounds they are too handsome and that the Commission [for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vices] members feared female visitors could fall for them,” Elaph reported.

该报道称:“一名文化节的官员表示,这三名男子被驱逐的原因就是因为长得太英俊,“提升道德防范罪恶委员会” 成员担心女性的参观者会被他们迷倒。”

The UAE released an official statement indicating that the religious police were anxious over the unexpected presence of an unnamed female artist in the pavilion.


“Her visit to the UAE stand was a coincidence as it was not included in the programme which we had already provided to the festival’s management,”Saeed Al Kaabi, head of the UAE delegation to the festival, said in a statement.

阿联酋文化节代表团的负责人Saeed Al Kaabi 在声明中表示:“她也是很凑巧的出现在了我们展台,并不在我们已经提交给文化节管理方的活动名单内。”

It was not clear if the woman’s presence was related to the decision to evict the “handsome” Emirati men. Following the incident, Elaph said the festival’s management took swift action to deport the trio back to Abu Dhabi, capital of the Emirates.

目前还不清楚这名女性的出现与当地警方决定驱逐“英俊” 的阿拉伯男子是否有关。根据Elaph的报道,事件发生后,文化节的管理方迅速采取行动,将这三名男子遣送回了阿联酋的首都阿布扎比。

With a majority Sunni Muslim population, Saudi Arabia is a deeply religious and ultraconservative society which forbids women from interacting with unrelated males and refuses to accord them with the same rights as men.


It is the only country in the world where women are banned from driving.



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