美商学院硕士项目升温 中国学生人满为患-查字典英语网
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美商学院硕士项目升温 中国学生人满为患

发布时间:2019-08-28  编辑:查字典英语网小编

When the business school at the University of California, Davis, started its master's program in accounting last year, administrators expected to attract aspiring accountants from nearby colleges.

当加州大学戴维斯分校(University of California, Davis)的商学院去年启动会计硕士培养项目时,管理层希望能够从附近的大学吸引到有抱负的会计专业学生。

What they got instead was a wave of interest from overseas: Roughly two-thirds of the 189 applications received for last fall's entering class came from Chinese citizens.


'Frankly, we were shocked at the deluge of applications...for what we saw as a program that prepared students for a U.S. credential, ' says James Stevens, assistant dean of student affairs.

该院负责学生事务的院长助理詹姆斯??史蒂文斯(James Stevens)说:“坦率地说,我们对蜂拥而至的申请感到震惊………在我们看来这就是一个让学生获得一张美国文凭的教育项目而已。”

Davis has plenty of company. Specialized master's degrees in accounting, finance and other disciplines─generally aimed at students just out of college and lasting one year─have found tremendous popularity in recent years among Chinese nationals seeking a competitive edge and U.S. experience.


Such demand has provided steady revenues for business schools at a time when traditional M.B.A. programs are losing their appeal among U.S. students. But the uneven applicant pool has left many schools weighing financial goals against uninspiring classroom experiences for both Chinese and local students and worrying about weak job-placement rates.


Like companies, business schools 'have to change with the times and go where the market is, ' says Anurag Gupta, chair of the banking and finance department at Case Western Reserve University's Weatherhead School of Management.

凯斯西储大学魏德海管理学院(Case Western Reserve University's Weatherhead School of Management)银行与金融系主任阿努拉格??古普塔(Anurag Gupta)说,与企业一样,商学院“必须与时俱进,顺应市场”。

More than 85% of applicants to Weatherhead's current Finance master's program came from China, and more than 80% of the 58-student class is Chinese. The school launched a version of the program in Shanghai a few years ago to balance diversity in the Cleveland program and earn money abroad.


Companies in China's fast-growing finance sector want hires with some advanced skills beyond a college degree, yet don't need recruits with the high-level strategy expertise─and high salary requirements─that an M.B.A. might have, according to students and schools. A U.S. credential also makes students more appealing to multinational companies, schools say.


Nearly 60, 000 Chinese citizens took the Graduate Management Admission Test in the 2011-2017 testing year, about triple the number in 2007-2008. In the latest year, 78% of those score reports were sent to U.S. programs, while 64% went to specialized master's degrees world-wide.

2011-2017年度中,近六万中国公民参加了美国管理专业研究生入学考试(Graduate Management Admission Test),这个数字大约是2007-2008年度的三倍。去年,那些考试成绩报告单中,78%递交给了美国的项目,64%提交给了世界各地的专业硕士学位项目。

Patricia Ying Ding was one of those students. Ms. Ding, 23 years old, attended college in her native China but spent time at University of California, Berkeley, and wanted more Western experience. Now enrolled at MIT Sloan School of Management's M.S. in Finance program, about 85% of Ms. Ding's class is international, and the school says a large share of those students are from Asia.

Patricia Ying Ding是递交申请的学生之一。23岁的Ding在中国本土上的大学,但是在加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley)学习过一段时间,她想获得更多在西方的经验。现在她已经就读麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院(MIT Sloan School of Management)的金融硕士项目。Ding所在的班级大约有85%的学生是外国留学生,学院方面表示,那些学生很大一部分来自亚洲。

She remains unsure whether her class's demographics are a good thing. 'We tend to hang out with people of the same ethnicity, ' she says.


Eleven of the 12 current finance master's students at Loyola University Chicago's Quinlan School of Business are international, with eight from China. That has challenged instructors, students and administrators.

在芝加哥洛约拉大学昆兰商学院(Loyola University Chicago's Quinlan School of Business)攻读金融硕士学位的12名学生中,11名都是外国留学生,其中八名来自中国。这对老师、学生和管理者来说都是个挑战。

'It changes the dynamic when there's a group of students who have something in common that other students don't share, ' says Dean Kathleen A. Getz. 'It can create some sense that there are two different groups being taught.'

院长凯瑟琳??盖茨(Kathleen A. Getz)说:“当一群学生拥有一些共性而别的学生却没有时,它会改变动态平衡,它会让人产生某种感觉,认为接受教育的是两组不同的学生。”

This fall, Quinlan will begin asking international students to take courses on business communication and U.S. classroom customs. To improve job placement, it will arrange student visits to companies interested in hiring international students, and pair them with U.S. student 'buddies' to ease the cultural adjustment.


Meanwhile, Davis has reassessed its soft-skills training and career-services strategy to accommodate the unexpected makeup of its new accounting class. For example, administrators are forging ties in finance departments at companies such as Wal-Mart Stores Inc., WMT +1.07% rather than just at accounting firms as originally planned, to extend their potential job opportunities.

与此同时,加州大学戴维斯分校重新评估了它的软技能培训及就业服务策略,以适应新招会计班中出乎意料的人员构成。比如,管理层正在与沃尔玛(Wal-Mart Stores Inc.)等公司的财务部门建立联系,而不是像原先计划的那样只与会计师事务所发展关系,以扩展潜在的工作机会。

Students must adjust, too.


Karla Savina, one of three Americans in her 57-person class in the Applied Finance program at Pepperdine University's business school, says she has learned about Chinese culture, and adds that her hardworking classmates have pushed her academically. But their unfamiliarity with American-style classroom discussion means Ms. Savina, 36, doesn't 'get the communication that I would like within the classroom.'

36岁的卡拉??萨维纳(Karla Savina)就读于佩珀代因大学格拉齐亚迪奥工商管理学院(Graziadio School of Business and Management at Pepperdine University)应用金融学项目,是班上57人中的三个美国人之一,她说她了解到了一些中国文化,还说她那些勤奋刻苦的同学对她的学习起到了推动作用,但是他们不熟悉美国式的课堂讨论,这意味着她无法“在课堂上得到我所希望的那种交流”。

Application volume for the master's in Applied Finance program has soared in recent years, fueled almost entirely by increases from China. The Graziadio School of Business and Management received 158 applications for the class that started in fall 2009─126 of which were from China─and received 497 for the class that started last fall, with 471 from China.


Though 'there are benefits to having a more diverse student body, ' says Michael Williams, associate dean of full-time programs at the business school, 'I would not say that we are at all unsatisfied with our current population.'

该商学院负责全日制项目的副院长迈克尔??威廉姆斯(Michael Williams)说,虽然“学生群体更加多元化会有好处,但我也不能说我们对目前的学生构成完全不满意”。

Mr. Williams says the program has benefited from the name recognition of Pepperdine's Shanghai program. Strong social networks and alumni recommendations multiplied the effect, he says.


But some schools fear that becoming a darling of Chinese students─or students from any single country─may irk local and foreign students.


The business schools at University of Notre Dame, Indiana University and MIT are looking to their parent universities' undergraduates to help diversify their master's of science classes. Quinlan is also in talks to create a scholarship to entice Loyola graduates to stick around.

圣母大学(University of Notre Dame)、印第安纳大学(Indiana University)和麻省理工学院的商学院都希望通过招收本校的本科生来帮助实现理学硕士班的多元化。昆兰商学院也在商谈创立奖学金的事情,以吸引洛约拉大学的毕业生留在本校。

Applicants from abroad are 'asking a lot about class makeup, ' says Marci Armstrong, associate dean of graduate programs at Southern Methodist University's Cox School of Business. 'They're seeking to be around American students. They really don't want to be in a class where everyone around them is from their home country.'

南方卫理公会大学考克斯商学院(Southern Methodist University's Cox School of Business)负责研究生项目的副院长马尔奇??阿姆斯特朗(Marci Armstrong)说,外国申请者“问了很多有关班级学生构成的问题,他们想要与美国学生一起学习,他们很不情愿身处一个周围都是本国人的班级里”。

Cox initially expected to double enrollment in the program's second year, though Ms. Armstrong says it has 'retrenched' after struggling to find jobs for its Chinese cohort─19 of 41 students. It has made some traction with interviews, but by the end of March just two of the Chinese students reported they had secured a job.



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