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发布时间:2019-08-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编

A software prodigy from London is living the Silicon Valley dream after Yahoo bought the news app he created for almost $30m.


The web portal, which has put mobile technology at the heart of a plan to turn around its struggling fortunes, has turned to British teenager Nick D’Aloisio and Summly, which automatically summarises news stories for the small screen.

作为门户网站,雅虎将移动技术作为扭转厄运的重中之重。它将目光投向了英国少年尼克??达洛伊西奥(Nick D'Aloisio)和Summly,后者能够为小屏幕设备自动生成资讯摘要。

The deal makes a millionaire of 17-year-old Mr D’Aloisio, who taught himself to write software aged 12 and will join Yahoo’s London office while he continues his studies at school.


Mr D’Aloisio received acclaim from Apple after Summly’s launch, which featured as one of its best iPhone apps of 2017. It had been downloaded almost 1m times before it was pulled from the app store yesterday following the deal.

Summly发布后,达洛伊西奥获得了苹果(Apple)的称赞,该应用跻身2017年最佳iPhone应用之列。交易完成后,Summly昨天被撤下App Store,此时它的下载量已达近100万次。

“Nick is an exceptional product thinker,” Adam Cahan, Yahoo’s senior vice-president of mobile and emerging products, said. “He does represent a generational shift in the kinds of things he is thinking about and what it means to be truly mobile. That generation is not just mobile-first, they are mobile only. That’s a different point of view.”

“尼克是一位优秀的产品思想家,”雅虎移动与新兴产品高级副总裁亚当??卡恩(Adam Cahan)说,“他的确代表了他在思索的事物和‘移动’真正内涵的跨世代转变。新一代不仅仅是以移动为先,而且是以移动设备为唯一上网工具。这是一种不同的视角。”

Summly was backed by Horizons Ventures, the venture capital arm of Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing, and other tech and media names including actors Ashton Kutcher and Stephen Fry, Spotify’s Shakil Khan and Zynga’s Mark Pincus .

赞助Summly的有香港亿万富翁李嘉诚的风投部门Horizons Ventures,以及演员艾什顿??库彻(Ashton Kutcher)和斯蒂芬??弗莱(Stephen Fry)、Spotify的沙基尔??汗(Shakil Khan)和Zynga的马克??平卡斯(Mark Pincus)等技术与媒体界名人。

“My manifesto with Summly was to get our technology into as many users’ hands as possible,” Mr D’Aloisio said, pointing to Yahoo’s hundreds of millions of users. “With Yahoo’s reputation as a content portal, we have an opportunity to fundamentally change the way content is consumed.”


Mr Cahan said that the vision and technology behind Summly’s machine-learning and natural language processing abilities were “equally impressive”.


In a blog post announcing the deal, Mr Cahan said although mobile devices were shifting our daily routines, “most articles and web pages were formatted for browsing with mouse clicks. The ability to skim them on a phone or a tablet can be a real challenge – we want easier ways to identify what’s important to us.”


Summly and Yahoo refused to comment on the deal’s terms.


Summly attempts to solve this problem by creating “snapshots” of stories that allow readers to browse more quickly than reading full articles. The app will close down but Mr D’Aloisio’s technology will be integrated into Yahoo’s mobile apps.


Two of Summly’s employees will move to Yahoo’s California headquarters, but – for now – Mr D’Aloisio is resisting the lure of Silicon Valley.


“I’m 17 – I want to be with my family and friends and school,” he said. “I’m going to be in London for the foreseeable future.”



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