A man charged with stealing a car with a baby in the back seat says he strangled the infant and dumped its body in a snowdrift, Chinese police said Tuesday.
Zhou Xijun, 48, surrendered about 5 p.m. Tuesday, Xinhua, the official government news agency, reported. The Public Security Department in Jilin province in northeastern China announced the arrest and Zhou's alleged confession on the Chinese equivalent of Twitter.
Police said the baby's body was still missing.
The car, a Toyota RAV 4, was stolen Monday evening from a supermarket owner in Changchun, the provincial capital, police said. The owner said he drove to the store and left his car with the engine running and the baby inside while he made a quick stop to turn on a stove.
The baby's family pleaded on local traffic broadcasts for the return of the child, saying they would not prosecute for car theft.
The car was found abandoned in Gongzhulung City with the baby's clothes and the license plate nearby.
相关事件:纽约偷车嫌犯发现车内有婴儿 报警后弃车离开
Police released new surveillance video today of the man suspected of carjacking an SUV with a baby still inside in The Bronx last night.
The parents of the adorable 8-month-old girl got the scare of their lives when they left the little girl in their idling SUV while going inside a Bronx store — and the vehicle was stolen with the child inside.
The video was taken by a parking garage on Inwood Ave. in The Bronx near the area where the silver Jeep was found abandoned just over an hour later with the child unharmed — after the perp phoned in the car’s location to police.
“There’s a baby in the back seat of the car,’’ the Spanish-speaking thief said in one of two quick phone calls he made to 911 from a pay phone in upper Manhattan, about 40 minutes away.
一个带西班牙口音的男子给警方打了两个电话,在其中一个电话中他说:“汽车的后座上有婴儿。” 这两个电话都是在曼哈顿上城的付费电话打的,离事发地约40分钟的车程。
The crook gave the operator the location of the vehicle — two miles from the store — before hanging up and fleeing.
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