American college graduates are facing one of the worst job markets for young people in a generation. As a result, Asian immigrant students that recently graduated from American universities are heading home this summer because, for those that want to work at least, the job market is better, especially in China.
The anti-immigrant crowd might say, “good, let them leave.” But that assumes there will be more jobs for U.S. college students if they did. U.S. college students share a much larger piece of the recent grad pie than the small percentage of foreign students that make up the national senior level student body. Taking out a few won’t matter much to competing American students going after the same internship.
Regardless of whether these students are welcome to work here or not, the point is it is easier for them to find jobs back home than it is here. The U.S. is losing its shine for some young minds as opportunities thin out for all involved, not just 20 year olds on immigrant student visas.
Chelsea Hu, who will graduate in December with a master’s degree in communication management from the University of Southern California, told the China Daily on Thursday that she will not be staying in the U.S. once she graduates. “I have decided to return to China, where I will be more competitive for a senior-title job,” she said. “I’m concerned more about finding something I am interested in rather than taking an entry-level job just for the purpose of staying in the U.S.,” Hu said.
切尔茜·胡(Chelsea Hu)今年12月将从南加州大学通信管理专业硕士毕业。周四她对《中国日报》表示,毕业后将不留在美国。“我已决定回中国,在那里我申请带一个高级职位会将更有竞争力,”她说,“我更关注找一份自己喜欢的工作,而不是想只为留在美国而接受一份入门级的工作。”
Over the past year, unemployment among U.S. college graduates under the age of 25 averaged 8.5 percent, roughly on par with the national unemployment average and an improvement over the 2011′s rate of 9.5 percent. Pre-crisis unemployment for the same age group with a college degree was around 5.5 percent.
A New York Times editorial on June 4 titled The Class of 2017 noted that even those American graduates lucky enough to find decent work will face reduced starting salaries this year. From 2007 to 2011, the wages of young college graduates, adjusted for inflation, declined 4.6 percent, or about $2,000 each per year, the paper said.
《纽约时报》6月4日一篇题为《2017届》(The Class of 2017)的文章指出,即使美国大学毕业生足够幸运能找到一份体面的工作,今年也将面临起薪调降。该文章称,2007年到2011年期间,除去通货膨胀因素,年轻大学毕业生的工资下降了4.6%,或每年减少约2,000美元。
Foreigners are student visas hoping to stick around the country after graduation may find slim pickings in the job market.
“The posts available for international students are very limited at job fairs,” Hu told China Daily.
For Yang Jie, who graduated in 2011 with a master’s degree in business administration from New York’s Fordham University, 12 months of job hunting got him nowhere. He said he sent out 100 application letters, got a few phone interviews, but no offers.
杨杰(音译)2011年毕业于纽约福特汉姆大学( Fordham University),获得企业管理硕士学位。找了12个月的工作,还是一无所获。他说自己发出了100份求职信,接到了一些电话面试,但没有收到任何录用通知。
上一篇: 为何排队是种折磨?
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