ABC is reviving a plan to make a sitcom based on Justin Bieber's life.
ABC再次计划把Justin Bieber的真实生活拍成一部情景喜剧。
The network first took a swing at the project last year, but then shelved it. The comedy is now back in development, with Bieber and his manager, Scooter Braun, as executive producers, TV Guide reports.
这个计划首次提出是在去年,但是之后被搁置。据报道,现在这个计划正在继续进行,而这部情景喜剧的执行制片人则是Bieber的经纪人Scooter Braun。
The untitled show would be a family comedy centering on a future pop star's "awkward teenage years" before he hits it big. Bieber was discovered at age 13 and had his first charting single at 15, so the show might take some creative license in depicting the on-screen character's struggles.
Matt Wolpert and Ben Nedivi ("Entourage") will write a pilot script and also serve as exec producers.
Matt Wolpert和Ben Nedivi将会亲自操刀导航集的剧本,并担任该剧的执行制片人。
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