To Chinese employers, a picture is worth a thousand-word resume.
Nearly half of all employers in China like to check out online photos of potential candidates when hiring new team members, says a survey by global HR consultancy SHL. By contrast globally, just 26% of respondents around the world say they do the same.
根据全球性人力资源咨询公司 SHL 的一份调查,中国约一半的雇主喜欢在雇用新职员时在网上查看求职者的照片,而世界范围内只有26%的受调查者会这样做。
Chinese job ads are notorious for their overt, occasionally blasé descriptions of the preferred height and weight and gender—and sometimes even astrological signs—of candidates. “Must be caucasian,” writes one laconic ad seeking an English teacher in Shenzhen. “Ages 18-35,” another typical ad runs. “Female candidates should be 158cm or taller, men 165 cm or above.”
So perhaps it’s no surprise that so many Chinese employers like to consult online social media sites to track down photos of would-be employees. Still, Stuart Hedley, SHL’s managing director in Hong Kong, says that such a practice is worrisome. “You have to wonder, how valid is using someone’s photo as a predictor of future success?” says Mr. Hedley.
于是,如此多的中国雇主在社交网络上查找求职者的照片就并不奇怪了。不过,SHL 香港的总经理 Stuart Hedley 却说这种行为是令人不安的。他说“你不得不怀疑,通过一个人的照片预测其未来的成功有多大的有效性?”
Valid or not, previous surveys have found that discriminatory job ads in China are widespread. Last month, a study found that over 10% of job ads surveyed on Zhaopin, one of China’s most popular hiring boards, said they were explicitly seeking to hire a man or a woman. Among the ads recruiting women, 37% of the time, employers were also explicitly looking for attractive ones. Age was also seen as important, with age requirements surfacing in nearly a quarter of all ads.
Foreign-owned firms were less likely to discriminate based on gender than private Chinese firms or state-owned enterprises, according to the study, which was conducted by a pair of professors from UC Santa Barbara and Xiamen University.
According to SHL’s findings, Chinese employers’ enthusiasm for consulting online photos of candidates far outstrips that of their counterparts overseas. While 48% of Chinese employers seek out photos of candidates, just 21% of employers in the U.S. do, while in the United Kingdom and Australia that figure is 10% and 9%, respectively.
根据 SHL 的调查结果,中国雇主相对于外国雇主关于寻找求职者照片的热衷程度要高的多。在中国,有48%的雇主想获得求职者的照片,而在美国却只有21%,而英国及澳大利亚的这一数字分别为10%及9%
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