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发布时间:2019-08-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

After a disgruntled boyfriend complained to Bodyform about being "mis-sold the truth about menstruation", the company yesterday replied with a spoof YouTube video that has taken the internet by storm.

Facebook上一位不满的男朋友通过留言的方式向英国的卫生巾厂商抱怨,指责他们“歪曲了关于女性月经的事实”。就在昨天,该公司在YouTube 网站上发布了一段幽默视频正式回应,该视频立即在网络上引起了轰动。

On October 8, Richard Neill posted a tongue-in-cheek comment asking why Bodyform had “lied to men for all of these years” for portraying false images of euphoria and adventurous times women constantly experienced during their period.

10月8日,英国网友Richard Neill 在该公司的Facebook页面半开玩笑的愤怒留言,指责Bodyform“为什么骗了男人这么多年”,因为他们的广告中描述的女性在经期来临时的愉悦心情和冒险时光都是假象。

After tens of thousands of Facebook users 'liked' Neill's message, Bodyform realised the potential for a golden PR opportunity and yesterday released a YouTube video retort.

Neil的趣味留言在Facebook上赢得了很多的赞同,有好几万的用户按了“赞”。 Bodyform公司也意识到这将是一个绝佳的公关机会,于是迅速做出了回应,在昨天发布了视频进行反击。

In the clip, an actress playing Bodyform CEO 'Caroline Williams' explains "the truth” – that there is no such thing as a "happy period”. Williams explains that the depictions of women rollerblading and having pillow fights during their periods "are in fact metaphors" They are not real.

在这段视频中,一名女演员扮演Bodyform 的CEO卡罗琳·威廉姆斯的角色,向这位愤怒的网友解释真相:根本没有什么所谓“快乐的经期” 的存在。威廉姆斯解释说广告中所描述的女性在来月经的时候滑旱冰、玩枕头大战等行为,“其实都是象征性的”,这些都不是真的。

The video has racked up nearly 200,000 viewers and 3,000 likes on Facebook in one day, with men and women alike describing it as "hilarious", "genius" and "comedy gold".

视频一经发布,短短一天时间内就有20万的Facebook 用户观看,有3000人按了“赞”。不管是男性或女性,很多人对这段视频的描述都是:“太搞笑了”,“简直是天才”,“完全是经典喜剧啊”。


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