Police arrested seven crew members from boats that collided in the dark Monday night, killing 38 people, including five children, in the city's worst maritime disaster in 40 years.
A day later, authorities couldn't yet say how exactly the collision occurred, how many people were missing, and how such mayhem could have occurred in one of Asia's safest and most modern cities.
香港发生撞船事故 38人死亡事发一天后,有关部门还是无法说清撞船事故究竟是如何发生的,有多少人失踪,以及在这座亚洲最安全也是最现代化的城市之一,这样的事故怎么会发生。
Many of the victims remained unidentified, and families and friends of the missing searched hospitals and the city morgue for news. Authorities were still searching the area where the boats collided about a mile from Lamma Island, which lies about two miles from Hong Kong.
许多遇难者的身份仍有待辨认,失踪乘客的家属和朋友则在医院和陈尸处搜寻消息。有关部门仍在事发水域进行搜寻。两船相撞地点距南丫岛(Lamma Island)大约有一英里远,而南丫岛距香港大约两英里。
The crash occurred Monday night around 8:30 p.m. when a commuter ferry collided with a boat filled with employees of one of the city's electric companies that was on its way to watch the city's National Day fireworks show in its iconic Victoria Harbor.
撞船事故发生在周一晚上8时30分左右。当时一艘渡轮与一艘载有香港一家电力公司员工的船只相撞。后者原本打算驶向特定地点观看在香港地标维多利亚港(Victoria Harbor)举行的国庆烟花表演。
The two boats collided in choppy waters and the commuter ferry, owned by Hong Kong & Kowloon Ferry Holdings Ltd., suffered damage to its bow but was able to make it to shore. Some passengers suffered minor injuries but none were hospitalized.
两船在湍急的水域相撞,渡轮船头受损,但仍然能够驶抵岸边。渡轮上部分乘客受轻伤,但无人需要入院治疗。渡轮属港九小轮控股有限公司(Hong Kong & Kowloon Ferry Holdings Ltd.)所有。
The other boat, owned by Hongkong Electric Co., was upended almost immediately, its bow sticking nearly straight up into the air. Passengers were quickly submerged and rescuers struggled with darkness and debris as they searched the boat and surrounding waters for victims. Hongkong Electric said there were 120 people on the boat, well below its 200-person capacity.
而香港电灯有限公司(Hongkong Electric Co.)拥有的另一艘船在事故发生后船尾几乎立刻沉入水中,其船头则几乎是垂直耸立在空中。船上乘客很快就被淹没。救援人员在天黑以及沉船内杂物较多的不利条件下在船内以及附近水域搜寻遇难者。香港电灯有限公司说,事发时船上载有120人,远低于该船200人的载客上限。
At a news conference Tuesday, authorities responded to questions whether the ferry had deviated from its course or had gone unusually fast, as some Lamma Island residents and ferry passengers had suggested, only by referring to an ongoing investigation.
The struggle to identify victims was made worse by the lack of a passenger list for the boat, government officials said Tuesday evening. They said 101 people had been sent to hospitals, 66 had been discharged, while two remained in critical condition.
A hotline set up by the city for questions about the missing was overwhelmed with hundreds of calls, according to government officials at the news conference.
The captain and two male crew members of the Hong Kong Electric boat and the captain and three crew members of the commuter ferry were arrested on suspicion of endangering the safety of others at sea. They were released on bail pending further inquiries. Under Hong Kong's legal system, people can be arrested without being charged.
The Hongkong Electric boat was filled with employees, their family members and other guests of the company. Some of the people took a tour of the company's Lamma Winds, a wind-power station, and Lamma Power Station and then dined at the power station before leaving to see the fireworks.
香港电灯的这艘船载有公司员工、员工家属以及公司邀请的其他客人。部分乘客在离开南丫岛前往观看烟花表演前曾参观了香港电灯的南丫风采发电站(Lamma Winds)以及南丫发电厂(Lamma Power Station),并在发电厂用了晚餐。
One man outside the Kwai Chung Public Mortuary, who gave his name only as Mr. Lee, said that his sister had gone to see the fireworks with a group of friends, one of whom was a Hongkong Electric employee. His sister uploaded photos of the tour to Facebook about 30 minutes before the crash, he said. Mr. Lee and seven relatives searched all night for his sister at the pier and at three area hospitals. 'We found no information about her so this is the last place we went,' he said, before disappearing inside the mortuary.
一位站在葵涌公众殓房(Kwai Chung Public Mortuary)外自称李先生的男子说,他的姐姐和一群朋友去看烟花表演,其中一位朋友是香港电灯的员工。李先生说,事故发生前约30分钟他的姐姐还将此次行程的照片上传至Facebook。李先生和七位亲属整晚在码头和三家地区医院寻找他的姐姐。在进入殓房并从记者的视线中消失之前,李先生说他们没有发现有关他姐姐的任何消息,所以这是他们能找的最后一个地方。
Another woman visiting the mortuary, who didn't give her name, said she couldn't sleep Monday night because her husband's three cousins were on the boat that capsized. As of Tuesday, she said, one was still missing, along with the 7-year-old daughter of a relative.
The crash occurred during one of the biggest holiday periods of the year, when tourists swarm Hong Kong, more than doubling the city's seven million population. National Day, on Oct. 1, celebrates the founding of the People's Republic of China.
Lamma -- which can be reached only by boat and is popular with tourists and expats -- was mobbed Monday and lines for the ferry reached off into the village's streets. Some residents who have lived there for a decade or more said they had never seen such queues.
Some people on the ferry said they believed it was traveling faster than usual, possibly to help clear the crowds from the island, when the collision occurred.
Passengers also questioned why the ferry continued to shore after the collision, leaving the other boat behind. A spokesman for Hongkong Electric said: 'After our boat was hit and started to sink, the boat that hit us then drove back to the pier.'
Others said that when the ferry pulled away from the other boat, water gushed inside, forcing it to go to shore. They also said parts of the ceiling inside the ferry were dislodged and fell, as the crash threw passengers from their seats and sent them scrambling for the exits.
David MacFarlane, who was on the ferry with his wife and two sons, said that the captain made the right decision. 'The captain kept going and I'm glad that he did. If he hadn't, God knows how many people would have survived,' he said.
事发时同太太和两个儿子在渡轮上的麦克法兰(David MacFarlane)说,船长做出了正确的决定。他说,船长驾船继续前进,对此我很高兴。如果他没有这么做,天知道有多少人能够存活。
The ferry company didn't respond to requests to comment. Local media reports said the company wouldn't comment on the crash and that the captain of the boat had become ill and couldn't discuss it.
Hongkong Electric is owned by Power Assets Holdings Ltd., a member of the Cheung Kong Group that is controlled by Li Ka-shing, Asia's richest man and one of Hong Kong's dominant business tycoons.
香港电灯为电能实业有限公司(Power Assets Holdings Ltd., 简称:电能实业)所有。电能实业为李嘉诚控制的长江实业(集团)有限公司(Cheung Kong Group)的成员企业。李嘉诚是亚洲首富,也是香港占主导地位的商界巨子之一。
Cheung Kong said it will pay 200,000 Hong Kong dollars (US$25,800) to each family who lost somebody in the accident. Meanwhile, Hongkong Electric said the company had been accompanying families to hospitals and was arranging counseling sessions. 'Cheung Kong Centre has already lowered group flags, said Canning Fok Kin-ning, the chairman of Hongkong Electric and Mr. Li's top deputy.
长江实业表示,将向在此次事故中失去亲人的每个家庭支付20万港元(约合2.58万美元)的费用。与此同时香港电灯表示,该公司已经陪同家属到医院并安排辅导课程。香港电灯主席霍建宁(Canning Fok Kin-ning)说,长江中心已经降半旗致哀。霍建宁也是李嘉诚的主要副手。
Hong Kong leader Leung Chun-ying, who called the accident an 'isolated incident' and assured reporters that Hong Kong remained a strong maritime hub, said the city would mark a three-day period of mourning starting Thursday.
香港特首梁振英(Leung Chun-ying)称此次事故为"孤立事件",并向记者保证香港仍然是一个强大的海上枢纽。梁振英说,从周四开始,香港将进行为期三天的哀悼。
The South China Morning Post said the crash was the worst maritime disaster in Hong Kong since 1971, when a ferry traveling between Hong Kong and Macau sank in a typhoon.
《南华早报》(South China Morning Post)说,此次撞船事故是香港自1971年以来发生的最严重海难事故。当时,一艘往来香港与澳门之间的渡轮在台风中沉没。
While ferries continued to deposit camera-toting tourists on Lamma on Tuesday, a sense of shock pervaded in Hong Kong itself, where mourners left flowers at the Lamma Island ferry pier and burned paper money as offerings for the dead.
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