A disgruntled former apparel designer was killed Friday morning in a hail of police gunfire in front of the Empire State Building after he shot and killed a co-worker and engaged in a gunbattle with two officers, authorities said.
Nine others were hit by bullets, some possibly fired by police, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said.
The violence erupted just as visitors began to queue up to ascend the famous New York skyscraper.
Police identified the shooter as 58-year-old Jeffrey Johnson, who was apparently laid off from his job as a designer of women's accessories at Hazan Import last year.
警方目前已确定枪手的身份为58岁的杰弗瑞·约翰逊,他之前在女性衣物及饰品商店 Hazan Import工作,但去年已经被辞退。
Bloomberg emphasized that the shooting was not terrorism-related. But that didn’t make it any less terrifying to the people caught up in the melee in one of Manhattan’s busiest areas, especially in a city still haunted by the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks.
Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said the bystanders were not hit directly by police, but rather the officers' struck "flowerpots and other objects around, so ... their bullets fragmented and, in essence, that's what caused the wounds."
Six of the wounded were treated and released at hospitals as of Friday evening, while three others remained hospitalized, Kelly said.
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