For Chinese parents who wrack their brains thinking of ways to send their kids to top universities, a recently released wealth list may make them think twice.
According to a new list that tracks China's young and wealthy, none of the wealthiest people born after 1980 graduated from Peking University or Tsinghua University, China's top two universities. About two-thirds of the rich 32-years-old-or-younger graduated from non-key universities, including vocational colleges.
That's a shift from the previous generation. Among 59 of those on the list born before 1980, five graduated from Peking University and two from Tsinghua. They include big-name entrepreneurs like Robin Li, chief executive of Baidu Inc., a graduate of Peking University, and Charles Zhang, CEO of Inc. of Tsinghua. More than half of billionaires in this age group graduated from first-tier universities in China.
与上一代富豪相比,这是一个转变。1980年以前出生的59名上榜富豪中,五人毕业于北大,两人毕业于清华。这其中包括一些知名企业家,如北大毕业的百度公司(Baidu Inc.)首席执行长李彦宏和清华毕业的搜狐网( Inc.)首席执行长张朝阳。这个年龄段的亿万富豪中,有超过一半的人毕业于中国重点大学。
This list names the top 100 Chinese multi-millionaires in yuan terms, plus their universities and majors. It was compiled by, the website of Tiantian Xiangshang Corp., an online company based in China's Jiangxi province. The company gathered information of individuals' wealth from prominent rich lists including those from Forbes China Rich List and Hurun China Rich List , among others, while adding the educational background of those on the list.
这份名单列出了中国前100位资产按人民币计算的千万富豪及其毕业院校和专业。名单由上大学网(编制,这是江西天天向上网络科技有限公司(Tiantian Xiangshang Corp.)的一个网站。该公司从福布斯中国富豪榜(Forbes China Rich List)和胡润百富榜(Hurun China Rich List)等知名富豪榜上搜集了中国富豪的个人财富信息,同时还在榜单上添加了这些人的教育背景。
The list ranks the wealthy by age. Ding Shiyuan, born in 1990, is the youngest person on the list. He graduated two years ago from a local vocational college in Shenzhen, and his event organizing business, Dingding Culture Industry Development Co.,LTD, has given him wealth of 12 million yuan ($1.8 million), according to the list.
该名单是按照年龄对富人进行排名的。1990年出生的丁仕源是榜单上最年轻的富豪。榜单显示,两年前他毕业于深圳一所职业技术学院,现在执掌的活动策划企业丁叮文化产业发展有限公司(Dingding Culture Industry Development Co.)让他拥有1,200万元(合180万美元)的财富。
'Major and university are not symbols of success. What makes me successful is working hard and being realistic,' Mr. Ding told China Real Time.
丁仕源对“中国实时报”(China Real Time)栏目记者说,所学专业和就读的大学并不是一个人成功的标志,我的成功源于努力工作,脚踏实地。
Younger members of the list also mostly lack foreign education. Only six out of 100 people on the list have overseas experience in Japan, the U.S. or the UK, the list says.
To be sure, the list like all accountings of the wealthy 岸 likely has serious gaps. For example, neither the Forbes not the Hurun list are comprehensive given how difficult it can be track wealth, particularly in China. The list also is heavily weighted toward those whose wealth comes from publicly listed companies, which report financial data that private companies don't have to. It doesn't appear to track wealthy Chinese who have left the country. And, of course, it doesn't track those whose wealth comes from official or public positions.
It also doesn't take into account the future wealth of graduates of top schools or foreign-educated graduates, who could come to the list in increasing numbers as they grow older.
Majors of the rich vary, ranging from veterinary medicine and logistics to computer technology. About half of the people on the list are involved in information technology, online game and software development, and most of them studied related majors in universities.
The list indicates that while many older wealthy became their own boss 10 years after graduation, many young entrepreneurs started only three to five years after graduation.
'We note that many Chinese young entrepreneurs are following their peers in America by starting up early their during university years or even dropping out school to focus on business, ' said Chen Jiangping, product manager of, who is in charge of compiling this list.
'This list aims to provide an interesting reference for university applicants and those who are interested in China's higher education and wealth,' said Mr. Chen.
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