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发布时间:2019-08-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Roadside air-pollution levels hit a two-year high in some parts of Hong Kong this week, obscuring the city's vistas in a sea of white haze and prompting the government to warn the young, the elderly and people with heart or respiratory illnesses to stay inside.


Hong Kong's sky is typically bluer and cleaner in the summer months than in the rest of the year, as winds from the south blow in fewer pollutants and strong sea breezes offer relief, dispersing the dirty air. This week, though, the air was heavy with smog, as a nearby typhoon created a weather system that trapped pollutants and helped condense them, causing them to sink. At 7 a.m. on Thursday, roadside monitoring stations in the city's Central district recorded air-pollution index readings of 212, an extreme not seen in the area since dust storms hit Hong Kong in March 2010, bringing with them a cloud of noxious air.


On Wednesday afternoon, some people walking through Central district cupped their hands over their mouths as they walked, while others donned white surgical masks in an attempt to stave off the air's choking pollutants.


'It's gotten really bad. You can feel it,' said Andrew Shum, an office worker in his 40s who braved the dirty air in Wan Chai district on Thursday because he wanted a cigarette break. Though he works on the 35th floor of a skyscraper with harbor vistas, he says, too often, pollution masks the view: 'You pay top dollar in office rent, but you can't see a thing.'

40多岁的公司职员Andrew Shum说,空气太差了,是你可以感觉到的差。8月2日,他不顾香港湾仔区污浊的空气,在室外吸了会儿烟。他说,虽然自己的办公室在一幢可以看到海港景色的摩天大楼里,但空气中的污染物常常让人看不清海景。他说,你付了高昂的写字楼租金,但却什么也看不到。

Hong Kong has the second-worst roadside pollution levels of any major Chinese city, ranking only behind Urumqi, and its poor air quality regularly tops the list of concerns international businesses cite when considering whether to send employees to the city.


Environmental activists say that while weather is to blame for the latest surge in pollution, the government should still be doing more to address the root issues behind the city's grey skies, such as car emissions. 'The weather is just exacerbating the situation,' said Erica Chan, campaign manager at Clean Air Network.

环保人士说,虽然最近这次污染加剧有天气原因,但香港政府也应采取更多行动来解决造成香港天空灰暗的根本性问题,如汽车尾气排放等。香港环保组织健康空气行动(Clean Air Network)的负责人Erica Chan说,天气只是让污染状况恶化而已。


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