暮光之城男主角复出 因工作关系重回戏场-查字典英语网
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暮光之城男主角复出 因工作关系重回戏场

发布时间:2019-08-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Robert Pattinson has decided to come back - to the spotlight, that is.


The 26-year-old actor has been out of sight since learning last month that his girlfriend and "Twilight" co-star Kristen Stewart had an affair with a married movie director. A tabloid printed photos of the illicit dalliance, breaking the hearts of "Twilight" fans worldwide and prompting Stewart and the director to issue public apologies to their loved ones.


But Pattinson can't lay low forever - he has a film to promote. So on Monday, he was in New York for round of media appearances, including a chat with Jon Stewart on "The Daily Show" and the premiere of "Cosmopolis," a thriller based on a Don DeLillo novel.


On the red carpet, an upbeat Pattison wasn't asked directly about the cheating scandal — media were limited on the number of questions they could ask — but he talked at one point about the movie's steamy sex scenes.


"I feel a little uncomfortable doing that. But I mean, some of the scenes in this were like complicated acting scenes, like during a sex scene which makes it - it's a very strange experience," he said with a smile.


Work obligations often force celebrities out of hiding after challenging personal situations, but choosing how and where to make a comeback is often a carefully calculated move.


"There's no one show that's the right answer for everyone," said veteran publicist Howard Bragman, now vice chairman of Reputation.com. "The right answer is the one where you think you're going to get the most respect, the fairest hearing and the best presentation - and potentially where you've had the best relationships in the past."


When Pattinson chatted with Stewart in 2010, the comedian invited him to return, saying, "You are making me cooler."



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