A Good Listener 一个好的聆听者-查字典英语网
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A Good Listener 一个好的聆听者

发布时间:2019-08-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Most people enjoy the stage and getting applause from the audiences. Such as the successful persons, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and so on, no matter where they go, they receive respect and praise all the time. Successful people are everywhere, who have so many listeners, but for the ordinary people, who also need someone to talk to. When we are in bad mood, the best way to relieve negative emotion is to find someone to listen to our annoyance. If we keep the annoyance in our mind, we are easy to feel depressed all the time. The job of a listener is just to hear other people's babbling, and usually he doesn't need to be given many opinions. People seek comfort from another person, because they want to relieve all bad emotion. Being a good listener helps us to win more respect.



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