The price of tea has jumped to a 2½-year high as poor crops in some of the world's most important producers strain supplies.
Dry conditions, poor rains and frosts have hit tea production in Kenya, the largest exporter of black tea. A bad monsoon has reduced production prospects in India and Sri Lanka, two other major exporters.
The wholesale price of the highest quality black tea – known as broken pekoe 1 or BP1 – has surged 41 per cent higher since the start of the year, last month surpassing $4 a kg, a level seen only once before in late 2009, when prices reached $5.45.
The increase in prices will be felt the world over by drinkers of sweet brews in Cairo, milky cuppas in London and iced tea in Los Angeles. Tea lovers in poorer countries such as Afghanistan and Pakistan are likely to feel the greatest impact, analysts said, because retailer margins are lower than in the west.
Kaison Chang, secretary of the intergovernmental group on tea at the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, said retailers were unlikely to pass on the full rise. "You would expect some impact on the retail level but the competition among all beverages at the retail level is pretty intensive," he said.
联合国(UN)粮农组织(FAO)政府间茶叶小组秘书长常恺松(Kaison Chang)表示,零售商不太可能将全部涨幅转嫁给消费者。他表示:"预计这将对零售价格造成一些影响,但在零售领域,各种饮料之间的竞争相当激烈。"
Unlike coffee, tea does not trade in a futures exchange but via physical deals at weekly auctions in Mombasa, Kenya.
Traders and analysts believe that prices may climb further this year. Kenyan tea production was 158,000 tonnes in the first six months of the year, down 11.3 per cent from 2011, according to the Tea Board of Kenya. Indian and Sri Lankan output is likely to be 5-10 per cent lower than last year, according to Mr Chang.
交易商和分析师认为,茶叶价格今年可能会继续攀升。根据肯尼亚茶叶管理委员会(Tea Board of Kenya)的数据,今年头6个月,肯尼亚茶叶产量为15.8万吨,较2011年减少11.3%。常恺松表示,印度和斯里兰卡的茶叶产量可能会比去年减少5%至10%。
"Indications are that the price is going to go up pretty high," he said. The falls in production would support prices at a level of about $4.50 a kg, he added.
The biggest importers of tea – Russia, the UK, Pakistan and the Middle East – have stocked up in recent months, traders said, meaning that prices could ease in the short term as buyers step back from the market.
In its most recent market report, Van Rees, a Dutch tea trader, said it expected prices to "take a breather before taking off again for winter".
荷兰茶叶交易商Van Rees在其最新市场报告中称,预计茶叶价格将"短暂休整一番,到冬季将再次上涨"。
But demand is rising quickly in India and China, traditionally large exporters. "The consumption level in China and India has been growing pretty rapidly over the last five years or so and that has contributed significantly to the increase in prices," said Mr Chang.
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