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发布时间:2019-08-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编

While lawmakers continue to fight over how to fix the ailing U.S. Postal Service, the agency's money problems are only growing worse.

当美国议员们仍在争论如何让境况不佳的美国邮政服务公司(U.S. Postal Service)摆脱困境时,该公司的财务问题却变得越来越糟。

The Postal Service repeated on Wednesday that without congressional action, it will default-a first in its long history, a spokesman said-on a legally required annual $5.5 billion payment, due Aug. 1, into a health-benefits fund for future retirees. Action in Congress isn't likely, as the House prepares to leave for its August recess.


The agency said a default on the payment, for 2011, wouldn't directly affect service or its ability to pay employees and suppliers. But 'these ongoing liquidity issues unnecessarily undermine confidence in the viability of the Postal Service among our customers,' said spokesman David Partenheimer.

美国邮政说,拖欠这份2011年的账单不会对公司的服务或公司向员工和供应商付款的能力造成直接影响。但美国邮政发言人帕滕赫莫尔(David Partenheimer)说,这些持续的流动资金问题会不必要地削弱客户对我公司生存能力的信心。

The agency says it will default on its 2017 retiree health payment as well-also roughly $5.5 billion, due Sept. 30-if there is no legislative action by then.


Most everyone agrees the Postal Service needs an overhaul. It had a loss of $3.2 billion in the second quarter of this fiscal year; it is to report third-quarter results on Aug. 9. The agency blames factors including declining mail volumes and the unusual 2006 mandate by Congress that it annually set aside billions for future retirees. But while the Senate has passed legislation to overhaul the agency, the House says it doesn't expect to take up its own proposal until after August.


The two sides remain far apart. Senators voted in April, on a bipartisan basis, for legislation that largely shores up the agency's finances by returning an estimated $10.9 billion overpayment made into the federal employee pension system. The legislation limits the agency's ability to close postal branches and stop Saturday delivery.


Republican House leaders support legislation they say would require the agency to operate more like a business, in part by setting up a panel to reduce the network of post offices. Some rural-district House members, from both parties, have been worried about closures in their areas.


A chief backer of the House bill, Rep. Dennis Ross (R., Fla.), wouldn't consider financial relief in the Senate bill 'absent wholesale reforms' that are in the House bill, said Fredrick Piccolo Jr., chief of staff for Mr. Ross. He said that there will 'in all likelihood be no vote before the August recess.'

来自佛罗里达州的共和党众议员罗斯(Dennis Ross)是众议院版美国邮政改革法案的主要支持者,他的办公室主任皮科洛(Fredrick Piccolo Jr.)说,罗斯不会考虑参议院法案中的财政救济措施,因为它缺少众议院法案中提到的大规模改革措施。皮科洛说,众议院8月休会前很可能不会对邮政改革法案进行表决。

The office of Sen. Tom Carper (D., Del.), one of the authors of the Senate bill, said Wednesday that 'every day that is lost in passing reform legislation puts the Postal Service another step closer to collapse, and unfortunately it appears that House Leaders are prepared to let that happen.'

民主党参议员卡帕(Tom Carper)的办公室周三表示,在通过改革法案这件事上,每耽搁一天都是将美国邮政向倒闭的边缘又推进了一步,遗憾的是,众议院领导人似乎准备让这一幕发生。卡帕是参议院版美国邮政改革法案的作者之一。


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