It is not all about the looks. Men might find this hard to believe, but it is true. For most women, looks are a requisite but not the most important thing they are looking for in a guy. There are a handful of other things that women look for in their man and a proper mix of these things is what most girls prefer. In case you rank not too high in the looks department or if you are right at the top, whatever is the case, read on to know what the other factors that girls care about are.
1. Personality
You may have the looks, but if you don’t have the personality to go with it then it’s a bummer. By personality we mean the way you carry yourself, what you wear, your gait, are you confident or not etc. A good personality instantly attracts and can more than make up for average looks.
2. Mannerisms
There are few things that are as big a turn off as bad manners. If you are rude to waiters or drivers, or if you are too loud in public, or if you display too much rage when travelling in traffic then you immediately fall into a girls ‘stay away from’ list. You have to have good manners. It is more important than looks for sure.
3. Care & Compassion
3. 体贴&呵护
You could have a charming personality and good manners, but if you show no care and compassion towards her and the people you love then you are not ‘the man’. We don’t mean to pressurise you with all these expectations, but what we mean to say is that you must cultivate a basic level of care and compassion.
4. Intelligence
4. 睿智
Intelligence is a turn on. If you are well read, well travelled, well acquainted with the ways of the world then you are going to be a hit with the ladies irrespective of your looks. The perfect example of an intelligent man with average looks is Salman Rushdie.
5. Money
5. 多金
This has got to be the oldest cliché ever but it still holds true. If you have the money, you have the girls. Period.
6. Education
6. 学历
You can never go wrong with education. The more educated you are, the more things will work in your favour. Education guarantees good work opportunities, income, the ability to see things with a wider perspective. Girls will always prefer well educated guys, no matter their looks.
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