It's what every expectant parent wants to know - who their baby will look like.
And this fascinating video goes some way to showing how.
Produced for the BBC series Inside the Human Body that was aired last year, the animation is based on scans of a developing embryo and captures the formation of the face in the womb.
The video reveals how sections of the face grow and fit together like a puzzle just three months after conception.
BBC’s Michael Mosley said: 'The three main sections of the puzzle meet in the middle of your top lip, creating the groove that is your philtrum.'
BBC的Michael Mosley说:“谜团的重点主要集中在上唇中部的发育,以及其周边皱纹的变化即人中的形成。”
The 30-second clip strings together 3-D models of the developing face based on scans taken in the first trimester.
'It was a nightmare for structures like the nose and palate, which didn’t exist for most of the animation,' graphics researcher David Barker told New Scientist.
影像学研究人员David Barker对《新科学家》杂志表示,动画中没有出现类似鼻子和下颚的形状,看上去非常可怕。
'Their formation is a complicated ballet of growth and fusion of moving plates of tissue.'
Plates of tissue that fuse at the philtrum, which can be long or short and deep or shallow, depending on a person’s genetic makeup.
The failure of those plates to fuse can cause a cleft lip or palate. And a smooth philtrum can signal disorders like fetal alcohol syndrome.
'This whole amazing process – the bits coming together to produce a recognisable human face – happens in the womb between two and three months,' said Mr Mosley. 'If it doesn’t happen then, it never will.'
“这一整个令人惊叹的过程丝丝剥茧,最后呈现出一个人脸的基本轮廓。这一系列过程都是在怀孕第二到第三个月,在母体的子宫中完成的。” Mosley说,“一旦跳过这个过程,生命就无法继续成长。”