中国第二大网售零售商 京东商城忙扩张-查字典英语网
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中国第二大网售零售商 京东商城忙扩张

发布时间:2019-08-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

The group–360buy–that runs Jingdong Mall, China's second-largest online retailer by transaction value, is preparing to ramp up acquisitions, adding to speculation about its plans to raise at least $1bn via a US listing


"We will do a lot of acquisitions in the second half of 2017," Richard Liu, 360buy's founder and chief executive, told the Financial Times in his first interview with foreign media. "The Chinese ecommerce sector has already entered its shakeout phase, and that phase will be over by the end of next year. We will take advantage of it."

京东创始人兼首席执行官刘强东(Richard Liu)向英国《金融时报》表示:"2017年下半年我们会进行大量的收购。中国电子商务行业已进入洗牌阶段,这一阶段将在明年年底结束。我们会抓住这个机会。"这是刘强东首次接受外国媒体采访。

The moves are likely to intensify competition with Alibaba, which dominates China's ecommerce market but is in the middle of a restructuring.


When 360buy, which has hired Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan and UBS to advise on the plans, briefed analysts about its business late last month, it triggered rumours that it could go public in the US as early as September.

京东已聘请美银美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)、高盛(Goldman Sachs)、摩根大通(JPMorgan)和瑞银(UBS)为其收购计划提供咨询。上月底,京东曾向分析师介绍其业务状况,这引发了外界的猜测,认为它可能最早会在9月份赴美上市。

Mr Liu denied that the company was in a hurry to list. "We have enough cash until 2017," he said.


As of the end of 2011, 360buy had nearly $1bn in cash, according to analysts it has briefed.


Jingdong Mall recorded transaction volume last year of Rmb30bn ($4.7bn), more than three times the size of Amazon China and up 200 per cent from 2010, according to iResearch, a Beijing-based internet industry analyst.

总部位于北京的互联网行业研究机构艾瑞咨询(iResearch)的数据显示,去年京东的交易额为300亿元人民币(合47亿美元),是亚马逊中国(Amazon China)的三倍有余;若纵向相比,京东去年的交易额较2010年增长200%。

While Taobao and TMall, the consumer ecommerce sites of Alibaba, are China's largest online retail sites, they do not hold inventory themselves but merely provide platforms for others to trade on an important difference from Jingdong's business model.


However, Jingdong has also started a similar platform business. After failing to attract luxury brands to its mall, it has begun allowing them to do their own trading on its site, giving them more control over their brands and prices. Mr Liu said the company would expand this business so that it would account for half its revenues, from less than 20 per cent currently.


Net revenue at 360buy has soared from Rmb2.9bn in 2009 to Rmb21bn last year. The company forecasts that the figure will more than double this year and rise almost tenfold to Rmb208bn by 2017.


But net losses more than doubled to over Rmb1bn last year, and 360buy does not expect to turn a profit until 2017. Its gross profit margin rose to 5.5 per cent from under 5 per cent in 2010, and is projected to increase to about 8 per cent this year and to more than 13 per cent by 2017.


The company is pouring Rmb10bn into a nationwide logistics and delivery service during the next three years. While that plan, and a similar push by Alibaba, began as an attempt to deal with capacity bottlenecks and service quality shortcomings in the express delivery sector, 360buy now expects logistics to become an important driver of revenue.


"By 2017, I expect the external order volume to exceed internal orders handled by our delivery service," Mr Liu said.


The company has been handling orders from other domestic ecommerce companies on a test basis since February and will officially open to outside orders in August. It is negotiating with Dell to handle deliveries in China for the US computer company.

2月份以来,京东就一直在尝试处理来自国内其他电商企业的订单。它将于8月份正式开始承接外部订单。眼下,京东正与美国电脑公司戴尔(Dell)展开协商,打算为后者处理在中国市场上的配送。 "

We could become profitable tomorrow, but there is no value in that itself. We have to invest now," said Mr Liu.



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