注意过自己睡觉时的姿势吗?是蜷缩起来的婴儿睡姿还是四仰八叉的海星睡姿?这些睡姿都不是你哪天心情好或情绪差的随性而为,而是和你的性格有着密切关系。小心!别让睡姿出卖了你!Foetus 婴儿睡姿 Those who curl up in the foetus position are described as tough on the outside but sensitive at heart. They may be shy when they first meet somebody, but soon relax. The foetus is the most common sleeping position, with women more likely to adopt this position than men. 采用婴儿睡姿的人一般是外刚内柔型的人。初次见面时,他们可能会非常腼腆,但很快就会放松下来。婴儿睡姿是最常见的睡姿,一般来说,女性比男性更多地采用这种睡姿。 Starfish 海星睡姿 Lying on your back with both arms up around the pillow. These sleepers make good friends because they are always ready to listen to others, and offer help when needed. They generally don't like to be the centre of attention. 海星睡姿就是仰躺,两手臂上举放在枕头两边的这种睡姿。采用这种睡姿的人会交很多好朋友,因为他们随时准备聆听他人,在他人有需要的时候帮助他们。这类型的人一般不喜欢成为人们关注的中心。
Freefaller 自由落体睡姿 Lying on your front with your hands around the pillow, and your head turned to one side. Often gregarious and brash people, but can be nervy and thin-skinned underneath, and don't like criticism, or extreme situations. 自由落体睡姿就是俯卧,双手放在枕头上,头朝向一边的睡姿。保持这种睡姿的人喜欢交际,性子急,但在私下里,他们会比较敏感而且脸皮薄。他们不喜欢批评或极端的情况。 Soldier 士兵睡姿 Lying on your back with both arms pinned to your sides. People who sleep in this position are generally quiet and reserved. They don't like a fuss, but set themselves and others high standards. 士兵睡姿就是仰躺,手臂放在身体两侧的睡姿。采用这种睡姿的人通常都比较安静保守。他们不喜欢大惊小怪,对自己和别人都要求很高。
Yearner 向往型睡姿 People who sleep on their side with both arms out in front are said to have an open nature, but can be suspicious, cynical. They are slow to make up their minds, but once they have taken a decision, they are unlikely ever to change it. 向往型睡姿就是侧卧,双臂向前伸展的睡姿。采用这种睡姿的人性情开放,但疑心较重,容易愤世嫉俗。他们做决定时很慢,一旦做出决定,绝不轻易改变。 Log 树干睡姿 Lying on your side with both arms down by your side. These sleepers are easy going, social people who like being part of the in-crowd, and who are trusting of strangers. However, they may be gullible. 树干睡姿的姿势是这样的:身体靠一边平躺,双臂位于身体两侧。采用树干睡姿的人易相处,好交际,喜欢成为人群中的一部分,而且容易相信陌生人。但是,他们也比较容易上当受骗。
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