In most circumstances, it's generally advisable not to air dirty laundry and grievances. Read on for eight things you shouldn't do when moving on from your job。通常情况下,专家们是不建议在辞职时提出一些涉及到隐私和冤屈的事情的。下面详细说说辞职时不该做的8件事。
1.Act on impulse。
If you're going to announce something publicly, you might want to wait a little to cool off. Oftentimes, emotion can cloud our decision-making and we end up doing things we regret. Give it a while to stew over and let it soak. If you still believe that making a certain move is the right decision in your case, you can do so in good confidence that you have thought things out carefully。
2.Give less than two weeks notice. It's advisable to give at least two weeks notice, and try not to screw the firm over when doing so. If your position is hard to fill, give your employer more time to find a replacement. You can ask your manager and HR to keep news of your departure private until it's closer to when you're leaving。
3.Drop the ball。 Don't check out and watch funny YouTube videos all day while doing the bare minimum. Keep on chugging along with the same gusto. You want to be remembered for being professional。
4.Ignore the replacement。 Ask your manager what you can do to help your replacement adjust to her new position. Instead of taking on something new, you can offer to come up with a guide of your job responsibilities and contacts. Add in tips that helped you excel at your job。
5.Lie about your future plans. Be honest and straightforward about the company you're moving to. There's no reason to fudge the truth, and your colleagues will appreciate your honesty. This will help you down the line if you need a referral or if you want to work for your company again。
6.Start clearing out your desk on the last day. If you leave everything to the last day, clearing out huge boxes of items can trigger an emotional response. Take little items out daily and you won't have much to take with you on your last day. Doing so will also make your leaving less obvious in the office if you don't want to draw too much attention to yourself。
7.Celebrate in the office. Save the champagne for later. Don't brag about your future position, because your colleagues are staying behind after all. It's always hard to see a colleague leave, so some may feel burned by co-workers who move on. It's a sensitive situation, so keep your kid gloves on when handling it。
8.Leave without a goodbye. Send a short and sweet email to your colleagues thanking them for their support and leaving a personal email just in case they need to get in touch with you. It's just common courtesy to do so and a small way to acknowledge your colleagues。
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