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发布时间:2019-08-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编

In 1914, a team of American and German scientists set up camp on the shores of Russia's BlackSea. Their goal: to conduct an experiment involving one of nature's most spectacular phenomena — a total eclipse of the sun. The results had the potential to explode 200 years of scientificconjecture, change forever the way scientists view the universe and launch the career of the mostbrilliant star in the scientific firmament — Albert Einstein.

Albert Einstein`s revolutionary theory that turned the world upside down might have beendismissed but for a math mistake, a cloudy sky, and the start of World War I. This fascinating two-hour special tells the story of Einstein`s little-known, 15-year struggle to prove one of his mostradical theories a theory that upended Newton and three centuries of scientific thought and calledinto question the definitions of space and light and gravity the game-changing concept known asthe Theory of General Relativity. Today, more than a century since the Miracle Year in which hepublished many of his breakthrough papers, Einstein`s ideas remain a living, vibrant influence.

阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦美籍德国犹太裔,理论物理学家,世界十大杰出物理学家之一,现代物理学的开创者、集大成者和奠基人,相对论的创立者,同时也是一位著名的思想家和哲学家。爱因斯坦1900年毕业于苏黎世联邦理工学院,入瑞士国籍。1905年获苏 黎世大学哲学博士学位。曾在伯尔尼专利局任职,在苏黎世工业大学、布拉格德意志担任大学教授。1913年返德国,任柏林威廉皇帝物理研究所所长和柏林洪堡 大学教授,并当选为普鲁士科学院院士,1921年获诺贝尔物理学奖,1933年因受纳粹政权迫害,迁居美国,任普林斯顿高级研究所教授,从事理论物理研 究,1940年入美国国籍。1999年被美国《时代周刊》评选为“世纪伟人”。


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