奥兰多•布鲁姆 人物传奇-查字典英语网
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奥兰多•布鲁姆 人物传奇

发布时间:2019-08-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编


Born on January 13th 1977 in Canterbury, England, Orlando Bloom's plans of becoming an actor developed quite early when he realized that the characters on TV and in the movies weren't real, that they were actors. "Once I realized that I could be Superman or I could be The Hustler or I could be Daniel Day Lewis's character in The Last Of The Mohicans - I was like, 'Man, I can become an actor and be all of those things'." 奥兰多-布鲁姆1977年1月13日生于英格兰的坎特伯雷。孩提时候,他发现电视和电影中的角色并非真实而是由演员扮演的,于是当演员的想法应运而生。“当我发现自己可以是超人、或是江湖浪子(译者注:《江湖浪子》为60年代美国著名影片)、或是《最后一个莫希干人》中丹尼尔-戴-刘易斯扮演的那个角色时,我说:‘嘿,我可以做个演员,然后成为所有那些人物。'”

In 1993, he moved to London to improve his career, doing bit parts in TV series like "Casualty". Orlando spent two years at the National Youth Theatre before getting a scholarship to train with the British American Drama Academy. His first memorable appearance, a cameo in the critically acclaimed movie Wilde in 1997, earned him various film offers, which he all turned down in favor of theatre. After Wilde, Orlando attended the Guildhall School of Music and Drama for 3 years. On stage, he appeared in plays like The Seagull, Twelfth Night, and Trojan Women. 1993年,奥兰多搬到伦敦发展事业,在诸如《伤亡》一类的电视系列片中饰演小角色。在国家青年剧院学习了两年后,奥兰多获得奖学金在英美戏剧学院接受训练。1997年,他在颇受评论界好评的电影《王尔德》中饰演了一个小角色。这是他第一次令人难忘的表演,此后他片约不断。但是,他拒绝了所有片约而投身舞台表演。拍摄《王尔德》之后,奥兰多在伦敦市政厅音乐戏剧学院学习了三年。在舞台上,他参加出演的戏剧包括《海鸥》、《第十二夜》和《特洛伊女人》。

Peter Jackson then "discovered" the classically handsome Bloom for the highly anticipated, $270 million, three-film screen adaptation of Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings in 1999. The Fellowship of the Ring was released in December 2001, and was instantly a huge critical and box office success around the world, going on to become one of the highest grossing films of all time. Orlando received widespread praise for his performance as Legolas, and although his role is significantly smaller than other more prominent characters, he immediately became a breakout star, with young girls around the world swooning over his elvish good looks. Orlando immediately became an internet darling and began appearing in magazines all over the world and making the talk show circuit, with a winning smile and charming British wit that earned him even more fans. 此后,彼得-杰克逊在1999年“发现了”有着古典式英俊外貌的布鲁姆,约他出演由托尔金的小说《指环王》改编的电影三部曲。这部影片耗资2亿7000万美元,倍受各界期待。《指环王1:指环同盟》2001年12月上映后,立即在世界范围内获得评论界的高度评价,并取得了票房上的巨大成功,势必将成为历史上总收入最高的电影之一。奥兰多凭借莱古拉斯这一角色而受到广泛好评。尽管他在剧中的角色远不如其他更重要的角色戏份多,他却很快成了一位一炮而红的明星,世界各地的年轻女子都为他俊俏的精灵扮相而倾倒。奥兰多瞬间变成了互联网宠儿,他开始在世界各地的杂志上亮相并参加脱口秀节目。他总是面带动人的微笑,显露出迷人的英式风趣--这使他赢得了更多的影迷。

After doing the three Rings movies with Jackson, he worked with Ridley Scott on Black Hawk Down. Since then, he has been working on new projects non-stop. In 2003, four of his movies will be released: The Kelly Gang, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Calcium Kid, and The Return of the King. 与杰克逊合作完成了《指环王》三部曲之后,奥兰多又与里得雷-斯科特合作拍摄了《黑鹰降落》。此后,他便一直片约不断。2003年将有四部他的电影上映:《凯利帮》、《加勒比海盗》、《钙片小子》和《指环王3:国王归来》。

Not content to rest on his elvish laurels, Orlando has accepted what may be his most ambitious role to date in the movie Troy (aka Trojan War) directed by Wolfgang Petersen, which is scheduled to be released in the US on May 21, 2004. 奥兰多并没有满足于精灵的桂冠而停滞不前,他已经答应在电影《特洛伊》(又名《特洛伊战争》)中饰演角色。该片由沃尔夫冈-彼得森导演,定于2004年5月21日在美国上映。这也许是奥兰多迄今为止最能反映他的雄心壮志的角色。


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