Over 5,000 passengers were stranded at the airport of Dalian City due to dense fog on April 24.
In an effort to calm down these passengers of delayed flights, the airport organized a dance show by cheerleaders.
It was learned the chearleading team was formed by four undergraduates, known as “Basketball Babes” in the university. The team was in fact preparing the aerobic dance for an event for the airport’s flight schedule in summer and autumn.
“It was unexpected that we came across dense fog today. Dancing helps ease the anxiety of the stranded passengers,” said a staff member of the airport.
It seemed the show yielded a good result, as many passengers were attracted to watch.
According to the airport, it was the first ever dancing show done by them under such a circumstance. This has ever occurred in the airports in Singapore and South Korea before.
为稳定(stabilize)旅客情绪,大连机场请来美女啦啦队员跳操,引来众多旅客围观(attract onlookers)。据悉,大连机场一个月前就开始筹备一支美女啦啦队(cheerleading)。之所以在机场组建这样的队伍,就是为了在大连雾雨季节,以及特殊天气(special weather)时,对滞留机场乘客的情绪予以安抚和调节,也是机场人性化服务管理的一种体现,为“北方机场的首创”。
据机场方面负责人说,这些美女啦啦队员是在大连各大高校(colleges and universities)挑选出来的,本来还想再筹划一段时间。但今天大连机场突发大雾(heavy fog),才使得这支美女啦啦队提前亮相(debut)。这支啦啦队今后将会成为机场服务的一部分。
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